

Commands are the means by which a formation can be made to take actions. For a command to be executed it must be assigned to a formation. Commands can be constrained to execute only once a WsfFormationCommandConstraint is satisfied. When executed by a WsfFormation, a command may be assigned to that formation causing it to perform some action, it may be transformed and forwarded to the sub-formations of that formation, or both.


bool IsInstantaneous()

Return if the command is an instantaneous command. Such commands only need to be executed once before they complete.

bool IsSequence()

Return if the command is a sequence of commands. See WsfFormationCommandSequence.

bool IsAssigned()

Return if the command is assigned to a formation.

bool IsPending()

Return if the command is pending. A pending command has been assigned, but has not yet satisfied its constraint.

bool IsExecuting()

Return if the command is executing. An executing command has satisfied its constraint, but has yet to finish the action of the command itself.

bool IsCompleted()

Return if the command is complete. Once a command has executed all of its work, it becomes complete. Once a command reaches this status it will no longer be updated.

bool IsCanceling()

Return if the command is in the process of being canceled.

bool IsCanceled()

Return if the command has been canceled. Once the command reaches this status it will no longer be updated.

bool IsDropped()

Return if the command has been dropped. A dropped command differs from a canceled command in that a dropped command will be completely removed from the simulation, while a canceled command remains in the simulation with the canceled status.

bool IsRunning()

Return if the command is still running. A running command might be pending, executing, or canceling.

bool GetDebug()

Return if extra debugging output has been enabled on this command.

void SetDebug(bool aEnableDebugOutput)

Turn on or off extra debugging output for this command.

WsfFormation GetFormation()

Return the formation to which this command has been assigned. This can return an invalid object if this command is unassigned.

void Cancel()

Cancel an incomplete command.

WsfFormationCommandConstraint GetConstraint()

Return the constraint on execution of this command. This can return an invalid object if there is no constraint on the command.

void SetConstraint(WsfFormationCommandConstraint aConstraint)

Set the constraint on execution for this command.

Available Commands










