
WsfJacchiaRobertsAtmosphere inherits WsfAtmosphere


The WsfJacchiaRobertsAtmosphere provides an atmosphere model that models the exospheric temperature profile, with dependence on solar and geomagnetic activity. The density is then obtained for various altitude zones. For details, see Vallado’s Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Application, Fourth Edition, Appendix B.

Static Methods

WsfJacchiaRobertsAtmosphere Construct(double aSolarFlux, double aAverageSolarFlux, double aGeomagneticIndex)

Construct a Jacchia-Roberts atmosphere model that uses the given aSolarFlux, aAverageSolarFlux, and aGeomagneticIndex. The values for aSolarFlux, and aAverageSolarFlux should be provided with units of 10^{-22} \rm{W}/\rm{m}^2/\rm{Hz}. Reasonably realistic values for aSolarFlux, and aAverageSolarFlux are between 50 and 400. aGeomagneticIndex must be in the range [0, 9].


double SolarFlux()

Return the solar flux used for this atmosphere model. The returned value has units of 10^{-22} \rm{W}/\rm{m}^2/\rm{Hz}.

double AverageSolarFlux()

Return the 81-day average solar flux used for this atmosphere model. The returned value has units of 10^{-22} \rm{W}/\rm{m}^2/\rm{Hz}.

double GeomagneticIndex()

Return the geomagnetic index used for this atmosphere model. This value will be in the range [0, 9].