
WsfOrbitalLaunchComputer inherits WsfLaunchComputer

The WsfOrbitalLaunchComputer object provides support to WsfWeapon to determine if an orbital launch vehicle can be launched, and if so, information about the launch conditions and the resulting orbit.

Static Methods

Array<double> ComputeOrbitalElements(Vec3 aLocECI, Vec3 aVelECI, double aSimTime)

Returns the orbital elements for an object with the specified inertial position and velocity at the specified time.

See WsfOrbitalLaunchComputer.OrbitalElements for a description of the contents of the return array.


bool ComputeLEO_Insertion(double aAltitude, double aInclination)

Initiates a launch computer calculation to determine the launch parameters and orbit insertion state to achieve a low-Earth orbit at the specified altitude and inclination. If successful then t launch parameters and parameters for the resulting orbit can be retrieved using the Data Retrieval Methods below.

Returns ‘true’ if successful or ‘false’ if an insertion trajectory cannot be determined.

Data Retrieval Methods

These methods return the launch parameters and orbit insertion data from the last successful call to WsfOrbitalLaunchComputer.ComputeLEO_Insertion.

double LaunchHeading()

Returns the launch heading (degrees).

double LauncherBearing()

Returns the launcher bearing (degrees). The WsfArticulatedPart.SetYaw on the weapon should be invoked with this value prior to invoking WsfWeapon.Fire.

double LoftAngle()

Returns the loft angle for the booster needed for orbit insertion.

double Inclination()

Returns the inclination of the resulting orbit (degrees).

double InsertionTimeOfFlight()

Returns the estimate time of flight from launch until orbit insertion (seconds)

WsfGeoPoint InsertionLocation()

Returns the estimated location of the launched vehicle at orbit insertion.

double InsertionSpeed()

Returns the estimated speed of the launched vehicle in the inertial frame at orbit insertion (meters/second).

double InsertionSpeedFixed()

Returns the estimated speed of the launched vehicle in the inertial frame at orbit insertion (meters/second).

double InsertionHeading()

Returns the estimated heading of the launched vehicle in the inertial frame at orbit insertion (degrees).

double InsertionPitch()

Returns the estimated pitch angle of the launched vehicle in the inertial frame at orbit insertion (degrees).

double InsertionResidualDeltaV()

Returns the estimated speed the vehicle could achieve if the engines remained burning after orbit insertion (meters/second).

double InsertionFuelRemaining()

Returns the estimated fuel remaining after orbit insertions (kilograms).

double InsertionTimeRemaining()

Returns the estimated time remaining the engines could burn after orbit insertions (seconds).

Array<double> OrbitalElements()

Returns the orbital elements of the resulting orbit.

  • Element 0: Semi-major axis (meters)

  • Element 1: Eccentricity

  • Element 2: Inclination (degrees)

  • Element 3: Mean anomaly (degrees)

  • Element 4: Right ascension of the ascending node (RAAN) (degrees)

  • Element 5: Argument of periapsis (degrees)