
WsfOrbitalScriptEvent inherits WsfOrbitalEvent

Input type: scripted

WsfOrbitalScriptEvent is used to invoke scripts from within a WsfOrbitalMissionSequence. Scripts are callable for when the event is initialized, when it updates, and when it completes. One can also define a script to determine whether the event should exit. Scripts should be defined in the enclosing WSF_SPACE_MOVER definition, and they must not take any arguments. They are referenced by name in the WsfOrbitalScriptEvent.Construct method.

static WsfOrbitalScriptEvent Construct(WsfOrbitalEventCondition aCondition, string aOnInitializeScriptName, string aOnUpdateScriptName, string aOnCompleteScriptName, string aIsCompleteScriptName)

Static method to create a WsfOrbitalScriptEvent. Each string argument is the name of a script defined in the parent WSF_SPACE_MOVER, platform, or at global context. If no script is to be called, an empty string (“”) should be provided as argument.

This event behaves identically with its input-based analog (the scripted event):

  • The script identified by aOnInitializeScriptName is executed when the event is initialized. This initialization occurs when the mission event is scheduled, which is either when the mission sequence is scheduled for the first event of a mission sequence, or immediately upon completion of the previous event of a mission sequence.

  • The script identified by aOnUpdateScriptName executes with the update interval and duration of the event, starting from the time at which the event’s execution condition is first met. The script is always executed once. If the event is set finite and a referenced aIsCompleteScriptName is defined, the event continues to execute at subsequent constraint times until that script returns true. Alternatively, if a duration is set, the event will execute at the specified update rate for the given duration.

  • The script identified by aOnCompleteScriptName executes on completion of the event.


    Scripts that invoke other mission events can only be called from this referenced script (otherwise, the current event from which the script is being called would be invalidated).

  • The script identified by aIsCompleteScriptName determines whether the script event is complete. If false, the event continues to execute; if true, the event is considered complete, and any referenced aOnCompleteScriptName is called. If defined the referenced script is called immediately after each event update, and it overrides any duration, if set.


    This script must return a bool.


// Example scripted script event within a WSF_SPACE_MOVER definition
script void DoSomething()
   // Insert code here
   static int sUpdateNum = 0;
script void Initialize()
script void Update()
   sUpdateNum += 1;
   writeln(" Update ", sUpdateNum);
script void Complete()
script bool IsComplete()
   return (sUpdateNum == 100); // Execute 100 times

execute at_time 1 s absolute
   WsfOrbitalScriptEvent event = WsfOrbitalScriptEvent.Construct(WsfOrbitalEventCondition.AT_ECLIPSE_ENTRY(),
   event.SetFinite(true);  // Evaluate IsComplete at the update interval (every 10 sec.),
                           // instead of at the next eclipse entry.
// Example scripted script event within a WSF_SPACE_MOVER definition
// (same as above, using duration instead of IsComplete script)
script void DoSomething()
   // Insert code here

script void Initialize()
script void Update()
   static int sUpdateNum = 0;
   sUpdateNum += 1;
   writeln(TIME_NOW, " Update ", sUpdateNum);
script void Complete()

execute at_time 1 s absolute
   WsfOrbitalScriptEvent event = WsfOrbitalScriptEvent.Construct(WsfOrbitalEventCondition.AT_ECLIPSE_ENTRY(),
                                 "");  // No IsComplete script defined
   event.SetDuration(990);     // Execute 100 times at 10 sec interval