
WsfPiecewiseExponentialAtmosphere inherits WsfAtmosphere


The WsfPiecewiseExponentialAtmosphere models the atmospheric density using a series of exponential profiles for different altitude ranges. In each range the profile takes the form:

\rho(h) = \rho_0 \exp{\left[-\frac{h - h_0}{H}\right]},

where H is a scale height, h_0 is the altitude at which the segment begins, and \rho_0 is the density of the model at that altitude. The values of these constants can be found in Vallado’s Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Application, Fourth Edition, in Table 8-4 on page 567. The values are chosen so that the resulting density is continuous at the segment boundaries.

Static Methods

WsfPiecewiseExponentialAtmosphere Construct()

Construct an atmosphere model with a piecewise exponential density profile.