
WsfPrinceDormand78Integrator inherits WsfOrbitalIntegrator


The WsfPrinceDormand78Integrator is a WsfOrbitalIntegrator that implements an embedded Runge-Kutta scheme with an 8th order solution and an embedded 7th order estimate used to control the error in the integration (see also, Prince-Dormand 78).


double Tolerance()

Return the error tolerance.

void SetTolerance(double aTolerance)

Set the error tolerance. This value must be positive, and has a default value of 10^{-10}.

int MaxAdjustmentAttempts()

Return the maximum number of attempts that will be made to find an acceptable step size.

void SetMaxAdjustmentAttempts(int aMaxAttempts)

Set the maximum number of attempts that will be made to find an acceptable step size. This value must be positive.

Default 50.

double MaxStepSize()

Return the duration in seconds of the maximum step that will be taken by this integrator.

void SetMaxStepSize(double aStepSize)

Set the duration in seconds of the maximum step that will be taken by this integrator. This value must be positive, must be larger than the minimum step size, and has a default value that is essentially infinite.

double MinStepSize()

Return the duration in seconds of the minimum step that will be taken by this integrator.

void SetMinStepSize(double aStepSize)

Set the duration in seconds of the minimum step that will be taken by this integrator. This value must be non-negative, must be smaller than the maximum step size.

Default 0

double InitialStepSize()

Return the step size of the initial step for this integrator.

void SetInitialStepSize(double aStepSize)

Set the step size of the initial step for this integrator. This step is only used for the first guess for the first step. If the step does not produce an acceptable error, than the first step will ultimately produce a different step size for which the error is acceptable. This value must be positive.

Default 0.1 seconds

string ErrorCriterion()

Return a string indicating which error criterion is being used to determine if steps are acceptable. The return value will be equal to the return value from either WsfPrinceDormand78Integrator.L_INFINITY or WsfPrinceDormand78Integrator.L_TWO.

void SetErrorCriterion(string aCriterion)

Set the error criterion used by this integrator. The allowed input values are either return value from WsfPrinceDormand78Integrator.L_INFINITY or WsfPrinceDormand78Integrator.L_TWO. The default value of the error criterion is to use the two norm.

string L_INFINITY()

This static method returns the string identifier corresponding to using the infinity-norm for the step error acceptability criterion.

string L_TWO()

This static method return the string identifier corresponding to using the two-norm for the step error acceptability criterion.