
WsfQuantumTask inherits WsfTask


WsfQuantumTask is used by WSF_QUANTUM_TASKER_PROCESSOR to represent a task with a priority and accessible type. Quantum Tasks automatically generate a unique id for themselves if they were constructed with a task type and a track. If the user exercises either of the two simpler constructors listed above and a track is not given to the quantum task, then the user should call SetUniqueId() on the created task.


static WsfQuantumTask Construct(double aPriority)
static WsfQuantumTask Construct(double aPriority, string aType)
static WsfQuantumTask Construct(double aPriority, string aType, WsfTrack aTargetTrack)

Static methods to create a quantum task. ‘aType’ is the task type, also equivalent with resource type. (weapon, sensor, jammer, or none)

double Priority()

Returns the priority of the quantum task.

void Priority(double aPriority)

Sets the priority of the quantum task.

void UniqueId(int aUniqueId)

Sets the id of the quantum task (hopefully the user makes it unique). This is necessary if the task does not have a track associated with it.

string ResourceType()

Returns the resource type (equivalent with task type) as a string. Expected values: “weapon”, “sensor”, “jammer”, or “unknown”.