

Every script has access to an instance of WsfRandom named RANDOM. To use a method from this class within a script, simply make method calls on the RANDOM variable.

For instance:

RANDOM.Uniform(3.0, 5.0);


The following random functions use the same random number generator as the simulation’s main random number generator and as such may affect repeatability. To use a separate, repeatable random number generator see Math or WsfRandomVariable.



Multiple versions of each method with different numbers of arguments allow for default values of the distribution parameters to be used when none are specified.

double Uniform()
double Uniform(double aMinValue, double aMaxValue)

Return a random number from a uniform distribution within the specified range.

  • aMinValue Minimum value of range, default is 0.0.

  • aMaxValue Maximum value of range, default is 1.0.

bool Bernoulli()
bool Bernoulli(double aP)

Returns a random true or false result using a Bernoulli distribution.

  • aP The probability of returning a true result, default is 0.5.

int Binomial()
int Binomial(int aT)
int Binomial(int aT, double aP)

Returns a random number using a Binomial distribution.

  • aT The number of trials, default is 1.

  • aP The probability of a trial generating true, default is 0.5.

int NegativeBinomial()
int NegativeBinomial(int aK)
int NegativeBinomial(int aK, double aP)

Returns a random number using a Negative Binomial distribution.

  • aK The number of desired true outcomes, default is 1.

  • aP The probability of a trial generating true, default is 0.5.

int Geometric()
int Geometric(double aP)

Returns a random number using a Geometric distribution, equivalent to the Negative Binomial distribution with aK = 1.

  • aP The probability of a trial generating true, default is 0.5.

int Poisson()
int Poisson(double aMean)

Returns a random number according to a Poisson distribution.

  • aMean The mean number of occurrences of the event, default is 1.0.

double Exponential()
double Exponential(double aLambda)

Returns a random number according to an exponential distribution. This function is useful for drawing a random number associated with the waiting times between independent Poisson-random events (such as in bank queuing or radioactive decay).

  • aLambda Defines the rate of events per unit, default is 1.0.

double Gamma()
double Gamma(double aAlpha)
double Gamma(double aAlpha, double aBeta)

Returns a random number using a Gamma distribution.

  • aAlpha The shape parameter, default is 1.0.

  • aBeta The scale parameter, default is 1.0.

double Weibull()
double Weibull(double aA)
double Weibull(double aA, double aB)

Returns a random number using a Weibull distribution.

  • aA The shape parameter, default is 1.0.

  • aB The scale parameter, default is 1.0.

double ExtremeValue()
double ExtremeValue(double aA)
double ExtremeValue(double aA, double aB)

Returns a random number using an ExtremeValue distribution.

  • aA The location parameter, default is 1.0.

  • aB The scale parameter, default is 0.0.

double Gaussian()
double Gaussian(double aMean)
double Gaussian(double aMean, double aStdDev)
double Normal()
double Normal(double aMean)
double Normal(double aMean, double aStdDev)

Return a random number from a normal (or Gaussian) distribution with the specified mean and standard deviation.

  • aMean The mean distribution parameter, default is 0.0.

  • aStdDev The standard deviation parameter, default is 1.0.

double LogNormal()
double LogNormal(double aM)
double LogNormal(double aM, double aS)

Return a random number from a normal distribution with the specified mean and standard deviation.

  • aM The log-mean distribution parameter, default is 0.0.

  • aS The log-deviation distribution parameter, default is 1.0.

double ChiSquared()
double ChiSquared(double aN)

Returns a random number using a ChiSquared distribution.

  • aN The degrees of freedom parameter, default is 1.0.

double Cauchy()
double Cauchy(double aA)
double Cauchy(double aA, double aB)

Returns a random number using a Cauchy distribution.

  • aA The location parameter, default is 0.0.

  • aB The scale parameter, default is 1.0.

double FisherF()
double FisherF(double aM)
double FisherF(double aM, double aN)

Returns a random number using a FisherF distribtution.

  • aM The first degree of freedom parameter, default is 1.0.

  • aN The second degree of freedom parameter, default is 1.0.

double StudentT()
double StudentT(double aN)

Returns a random number using a StudentT distribution with the specified degrees of freedom.

  • aN The degrees of freedom, default is 1

double Rayleigh(double aRadius)

Returns a random number using a Rayleigh distribution using the specified radius.