


To create WsfSixDOF_Formation objects, use one of the methods provided by WsfSixDOF_FormationManager.

Name Methods

string GetQualifiedName()

Returns the qualified name of this formation. The qualified name is unique among all the defined formations. The qualified name is composed from the relative names of this formation and all of its parent formations. For example, if the relative name of a formation is ‘beta’ and it is a sub-formation of a formation with relative name ‘red’, then the qualified name of that formation would be ‘red.beta’.

string GetRelativeName()

Return the relative name of this formation. The relative name is used to distinguish between the sub-formations of a formation, and does not need to be unique among all of the defined formations. Instead, it only needs to be unique among the sub-formations of its parent.

bool Rename(string aNewName)

Change the relative name of this formation. If successful, this will change the name of this formation as well as updating the qualified names of all of the sub-formations of this formation, and this method will return true. If there proposed name change creates a conflict in the set of qualified names, this method will do nothing and return false.