
WsfSixDOF_FormationTurnToHeadingCommand inherits WsfSixDOF_FormationCommand

WsfSixDOF_FormationTurnToHeadingCommand will cause the formation to which it is assigned to turn to a given heading. This turn will proceed in one of two ways depending on the geometry of the offsets in the formation. The relative speeds needed to keep formation during the turn for the various members of the formation relative to the lead platform are computed. If the lowest speed or highest speed do not exceed limits provided by the command, the turn will be a plain turn. Otherwise the turn will be a delayed turn.

In a plain turn, the lead platform will execute the turn to the given heading and the other member platforms will keep station relative to that leader. In a delayed turn, each platform will execute the turn at the same speed as the leader, but will do so at different times, with the result that the member platforms will end up in formation as before, but with any left/right offset swapped before and after. If a delayed turn is called for, but the angle through which the formation will turn is smaller than a given limit, the turn will be executed as a plain turn instead.

In a multilevel formation, the type of turn executed at each level is computed independently. So it could be that two sections of a formation each execute plain turns, but the turn of each section relative to the other is a delayed turn.


Currently, only a single WsfSixDOF_FormationTurnToHeadingCommand can be used in a WsfSixDOF_CommandSequence. This limitation will be removed in the future.


static WsfSixDOF_FormationTurnToHeadingCommand Construct(double aTargetHeadingDeg)

Create a command that will turn a formation to the given heading.

double GetTargetHeading()

Return the target heading for the command in degrees.

void SetTargetHeading(double aTargetHeadingDeg)

Set the target heading for the command in degrees.

double GetMinSpeedRatio()

Get the speed of a member platform relative to the lead platform below which a plain turn will not be executed.

void SetMinSpeedRatio(double aMinSpeedRatio)

Set the speed of a member platform relative to the lead platform below which a plain turn will not be executed.

double GetMaxSpeedRatio()

Get the speed of a member platform relative to the lead platform above which a plain turn will not be executed.

void SetMaxSpeedRatio(double aMaxSpeedRatio)

Set the speed of a member platform relative to the lead platform above which a plain turn will not be executed.

double GetSmallAngleLimit()

Get the angle below which a plain turn will always be executed.

void SetSmallAngleLimit(double aSmallAngleDeg)

Set the angle below which a plain turn will always be executed.

double GetMaxBankAngle()

Get the maximum bank angle in degrees allowed by the turn.

void SetMaxBankAngle(double aMaxBankAngleDeg)

Set the maximum bank angle in degrees allowed by the turn. This limit will only be applied during the turn, and only on those member platforms that are not solely station keeping during the turn.


For best results, it is suggested that some maximum be set that is lower than the platform’s nominal maximum to allow and formation members keeping station some freedom to maneuver into their proper station.

double GetMaxRollRate()

Get the maximum roll rate in degrees per second allowed by the turn.

void SetMaxRollRate(double aMaxRollRateDegPerSec)

Set the maximum roll rate in degrees per second allowed by the turn. This limit will only be applied during the turn, and only on those member platforms that are not solely station keeping during the turn.