
WsfSixDOF_GuidanceComputer inherits WsfGuidanceComputer


WsfSixDOF_GuidanceComputer is derived from WSF_GUIDANCE_COMPUTER and provides a similar set of controls for platforms that use WSF_SIX_DOF_MOVER movers. While not all WSF_GUIDANCE_COMPUTER commands are supported, many are. This article describes differences between WsfSixDOF_GuidanceComputer and WsfGuidanceComputer.


Be sure to use WSF_SIX_DOF_GUIDANCE_COMPUTER for platforms that include a WSF_SIX_DOF_MOVER. WSF_GUIDANCE_COMPUTER operates only on WSF_GUIDED_MOVER and will not have an effect on a WSF_SIX_DOF_MOVER.

General Methods

void StopEngines()

This immediately terminates thrust.

Unsupported Methods

The following methods (inherited from WSF_GUIDANCE_COMPUTER) are not supported at this time.

void EjectStage()
void EjectStage(double aPreSeparationCoastTime, double aPreIgnitionCoastTime)
bool ClearCommandedThrottle()
bool ClearCommandedThrottle(string aPhaseName)

Clears the commanded_throttle (resumes the default throttle control in the mover).

bool SetCommandedAltitude(double aValue)
bool SetCommandedAltitude(string aPhaseName, double aValue)

Sets the value of commanded_altitude (meters above mean sea level).

bool SetMaximumAscentRate(double aValue)
bool SetMaximumAscentRate(string aPhaseName, double aValue)

Sets the value of maximum_ascent_rate (meters/second).

bool SetMaximumDescentRate(double aValue)
bool SetMaximumDescentRate(string aPhaseName, double aValue)

Sets the value of maximum_descent_rate (meters/second).

bool SetMaximumPitchAngle(double aValue)
bool SetMaximumPitchAngle(string aPhaseName, double aValue)

Sets the value of maximum_pitch_angle (degrees).

bool SetPitchChangeGain(double aValue)
bool SetPitchChangeGain(string aPhaseName, double aValue)

Sets the value of pitch_change_gain (unitless).

bool SetCommandedThrottle(double aValue)
bool SetCommandedThrottle(string aPhaseName, double aValue)

Sets the value of commanded_throttle in the range [0..1].