
WsfSixDOF_SpeedKCAS_Maneuver inherits WsfSixDOF_Maneuver


This maneuver sets a target speed on the platform to which the maneuver is assigned. This maneuver uses knots calibrated air speed as its measure of speed. This maneuver is done executing as soon as the target speed is set, so if there is a need to wait for the achieved speed, a WsfSixDOF_ManeuverConstraint must be used.


static WsfSixDOF_SpeedKCAS_Maneuver Construct(double aSpeedKCAS)

Construct a maneuver that will set a target speed for the platform to which the maneuver is assigned in knots calibrated air speed.

double GetSpeed()

Return this maneuver’s target speed in knots calibrated air speed.