

Construction: WsfTerrain newObj = WsfTerrain();

WsfTerrain allows querying the terrain defined in the terrain block.


double BathymetryElevApprox(double aLatitude, double aLongitude)

Returns the approximate underwater terrain elevation in meters at the specified location. Returned values will be negative indicating depth.

double BathymetryElevInterp(double aLatitude, double aLongitude)

Returns the interpolated underwater terrain elevation in meters at the specified location. Returned values will be negative indicating depth.

double TerrainElevApprox(double aLatitude, double aLongitude)

Returns the approximate terrain elevation in meters at the specified location.

double TerrainElevInterp(double aLatitude, double aLongitude)

Returns the interpolated terrain elevation in meters at the specified location.

double VegetationElevApprox(double aLatitude, double aLongitude)

Returns the approximate vegetation elevation in meters at the specified location.

double VegetationElevInterp(double aLatitude, double aLongitude)

Returns the interpolated vegetation elevation in meters at the specified location.

Static Methods

static bool MaskedByTerrain(WsfGeoPoint aSource, WsfGeoPoint aDestination, double aRadiusScale)

Returns true if line of sight between aSource and aDestination is masked by the terrain.


Multiplier to apply to earth radius, 1.0 for no change.

static bool MaskedByVegetation(WsfGeoPoint aSource, WsfGeoPoint aDestination, double aRadiusScale)

Returns true if line of sight between aSource and aDestination is masked by the vegetation.


Multiplier to apply to earth radius, 1.0 for no change.

static bool MaskedByUnderwaterTerrain(WsfGeoPoint aSource, WsfGeoPoint aDestination, double aRadiusScale)

Returns true if line of sight between aSource and aDestination is masked by underwater terrain. This method uses only terrain defined using the bathymetry command.


Multiplier to apply to earth radius, 1.0 for no change.