
WsfUplinkProcessor inherits WsfProcessor


bool UplinkCapable()

Returns true if this uplink processor is capable of uplinking (max uplinks has not been met or no max limit is being imposed).

bool IsUplinkingTo(WsfPlatform aPlatform)

Returns true if this platform is currently uplinking to the provided aPlatform.

int UplinkCount()

Returns the number of currently active uplinks.

WsfPlatform UplinkPlatformEntry(int index)

Returns the platform receiving the uplink at the provided (zero based) index.

bool StartUplinking(WsfPlatform aWeapon)

Starts uplinking for the provided aWeapon. Returns true if successful.

bool StartUplinking(WsfPlatform aWeapon, WsfTrack aTrack)

Starts uplinking for the provided aWeapon specifically for the provided track aTrack. Returns true if successful.

bool StopUplinking(WsfPlatform aWeapon)

Stops uplinking for the provided aWeapon Returns true if successful.

Returns the number of max supported uplinks for this platform.