Table Values


Some WSF commands process tables as input. When using tables, the command input is a defined table including the table variables and data. Table parameters and data values are parsed and processed based on the required WSF command input parameters (see: <table-value> in the command documentation).

Commands process tables using the following syntax:

<command> constant <value>
<command> regular_table ... end_regular_table
<command> irregular_table ... end_irregular_table
<command> interval_table ... end_interval_table
<command> curve ... end_curve
<command> file <filename>

In this context, tables define a function using values at discrete sample points. Depending on the table definition, sample points may be defined with zero to eight independent variables and may include one dependent variable. When a given command accepts a table, the program supplies the name and units of each possible independent variable, and the name and units of the dependent variable.

Independent variables represent functions as shown below:

  • y = c

  • y = f(x)

  • y = f(x, y)

  • y = f(x, y, z)

  • y = f(w, x, y, z)

Dependent variables are the data values to be processed at each cross section or sample point in the table as defined by the independent variable(s). Dependent variables are required for each independent variable or set of independent variables defined in order to properly fill all cross sections in the table.

Tables may be defined as non-dimensional, single-dimensional, or multi-dimensional. Examples of a 1-Dimensional Table, 2-Dimensional Table, and 3-Dimensional Table are shown below.


See Table Plotter - Wizard to visualize table data within Wizard.

Table Commands

constant <value>

The table being processed is non-dimensional, representing a constant function (i.e. y = c).


See the Constant Syntax usage example below.

regular_table … end_regular_table

With regular tables, all slices through the table must have the same number of breakpoints. This is efficient but requires the same density of sample points across slices.

   # Specify the attributes of one to eight independent variables and values
   independent_variable <name_1>
     units <units_1>
     [ precision <double|float> ]
     [ extrapolate ]
     [ num_points <n> ]
     # value list specification (mutually exclusive options)
     linear_equation from <iv1_1> to <iv1_n>
     binary_data_file <file-name>
     <iv1_1> <iv1_2> ... <iv_1_n>
     . repeat as necessary (up to eight maximum independent variables)
   # Specify the dependent variable attributes and values
     units <units>
     [ precision <double|float> ]
     [ interpolation <linear|nearest> ]
     save_as_rectangular_indexed_binary_file <file-name>
     save_as_morton_indexed_binary_file <file-name>
     # value list specification (mutually exclusive options)
     binary_data_file <file-name>
     <dv_1> <dv_2> ... <dv_n>


See the Regular Table example below.

irregular_table … end_irregular_table

An irregular table provides greater flexibility by removing the restriction that all slices through the table require the same number of break points. The dependent variable values are assigned according to the number of independent variables defined to complete the cross sections of the table.

   # Specify the attributes of one to eight independent variables
   independent_variable <name_1> units <units_1> { precision <precision_1> } { extrapolate }
     . repeat as necessary (up to eight total independent variables)
   # Specify the dependent variable attributes
   dependent_variable units <units> { precision <precision> }


See the Irregular Table example below.

interval_table … end_interval_table

The interval table is similar to the irregular_table, except interval tables provide no option for independent variable extrapolation.

   # Specify the attributes of one to eight independent variables
   independent_variable <name_1> units <units_1> { precision <precision_1> }
     . repeat as necessary (up to eight total independent variables)
   # Specify the dependent variable attributes
   dependent_variable  units <units> { precision <precision> }
curve … end_curve

A curve is a special form of a regular_table limited to specifying one independent variable.

   independent_variable <name> units <units> { precision <precision> } { extrapolate }
   dependent_variable  units <units> { precision <precision> }
   <ind_var_value_1> <dep_var_value_1>
   <ind_var_value_2> <dep_var_value_2>
   <ind_var_value_n> <dep_var_value_n>


See the Curve Table example below.

file <filename>

The file option is used to read in a file containing the table definition. The table defined in the file must be constructed exactly as it would be defined inline within the program.


See the File Reference Syntax example below.


Consider using the file command when defining large tables. Large tables may lead to long load times when defined inline and should be avoided.

Table Subcommands

When defining a table, common commands may be used to specify the data for both independent and dependent variables.

independent_variable <name> units <units> [precision <precision>] [extrapolate]

Specifies the name and units for an independent variable. Optionally, precision and extrapolation may be added. This command may be repeated up to eight times to define the independent variables present in the table.

dependent_variable units <units> precision <precision>

Specifies the units and optional precision of the dependent variable.

units <units>

Specifies the unit of measure for the given variable and must be a valid unit type for the variable defined. For example:

  • If a dependent variable is defined with a length-value then <units> must be one of the valid <length-units>.


The units subcommand is not used when the table is non-dimensional.

precision [double | float]

An optional subcommand that specifies the precision used to store values in memory. double is at least 64 bits and float is at least 32 bits.

Default: double

interpolation [linear | nearest]

An optional subcommand that specifies whether table lookups should use multilinear interpolation of the data values, or the nearest value in the table.

  • linear interpolation has an algorithmic complexity of O(2^N), where N is the number of independent variables in the table.

  • nearest interpolation has a constant O(1) algorithmic complexity.

Default: linear


An optional subcommand used to indicate extrapolation will be performed if the value of the independent_variable is outside the limits of its definition.

Default: Extrapolation is not performed.


This command is not valid with interval_table.

num_points <positive-integer>

An optional subcommand used to specify the number of points that the variable list will have.

When specified, it is used to verify that the number of listed data points match, otherwise it is auto-deduced from the number of datapoints entered.

This must be specified whenever a formulaic equation subcommand is used, such as linear_equation

linear_equation from <point_1> to <point_n>

An optional subcommand used to represent the independent variables values using a linear equation between <point_1> and <point_n> (inclusive) with num_points points.

This allows for the specification of a value range of equally spaced data points without consuming N memory.

If the units subcommand was not specified, then <point_1> and <point_n> are of the form <real> <unit-of-measure>, otherwise they are simply <real> values.

This subcommand replaces the need to specify individual points inline.


This subcommand requires the num_points subcommand also be specified.

binary_data_file <file-name>

An optional subcommand that maps the specified file to a raw binary array of floats/doubles for use as a list of datapoints.

This will use an operating system call that allows a file to be mapped to memory without actually reading it into RAM. Individual pages will be read in from the file as they are needed. See also

This subcommand is intended to support big-data tables that would not reasonably fit into system memory, or that would take a long time to load from ascii text.

This sucommand replaces the need to specify the datapoints inline in ascii.

If the variable is of a unit of measurement type, then the units subcommand must be used. Furthermore, since there won’t be any value transformation performed on the binary data, the unit of measurement must be the standard type (e.g meters for length). Even though this means theres only a single valid value for the units command, it is made required for the sake of expressive clarity/readability.

The format of a binary data file is as follows:






= 0 if using doubles (8 byte precision).

= 1 if using floats (4 byte precision).


min/max valid

= 1 if min/max values in this header are valid

= 0 if min/max values in this header are invalid.

When invalid, any request to the table API for min/max values will require iterating over the entire table to compute them.


indexing format

= 0 if using rectangular indexing, which is the standard way that contigous arrays are indexed. with a 3D table of IV sizes 3,5,7 rectangular indexing means Table[x][y][z] is array[x*5*7+y*7+z]

= 1 if using morton code indexing.

When creating a table file with an external program, it is recommend that you use rectangular indexing and then convert it to morton-indexing using save_as_morton_indexed_binary_file



reserved for future use, set reserved bytes to 0.

8-11 or 8-15

min value

contains the minimum value in the table, if the min/max valid flag is 1. 4 bytes if precision flag is 1 for float precision. 8 bytes if precision flag is 0 for double precision.

12-15 or 16-23

max value

contains the maximum value in the table, if the min/max valid flag is 1. 4 bytes if precision flag is 1 for float precision. 8 bytes if precision flag is 0 for double precision.

16/24 to end

binary array

underlying binary array of either floats/doubles, based on the precision bit flag.

If creating an external program to create a binary data file, an easy way to do it is by setting the first 24 bytes to 0 followed by the raw double-precision binary array.


unlike when specifing data points inline, there will be no value checking performed when using a binary file. There currently exists no validation to ensure endianess/floating point representation is correct, it is on the user to ensure the machine that the table was created on uses the same floating-point layout as the machine loading that table.

save_as_rectangular_indexed_binary_file <file-name>

Save the generated table to file, which can then be passed to the binary_data_file command.

For large tables, prefer save_as_morton_indexed_binary_file instead, which uses a more-performant indexing format to improve table lookups.

save_as_morton_indexed_binary_file <file-name>

Save the generated table to file, which can then be passed to the binary_data_file command

Using this format with large tables (over a few megabytes) will offer significant performance improvements over rectangular indexed data, as it causes less chunks of data to be read from file.

Some benchmarking using a 1024x1024x1024 table showed lookups with morton-indexing was about 6.5x faster than rectangular indexing.

The generated file may contain sparse empty sections, which causes wasted space. Therefore it is recommended that power of 2 dimensions be used. In scenarios where this cannot be avoided, prefer declaring the table with IV’s reverse sorted by the number of points in each IV to minimize the size of the created file, e.g 5x3 instead of 3x5. For optimal compactness with no sparse sections, the dimension sizes (iv num_points) should be the same power of 2, with trailing sizes allowed to be half size. e.g. tables sizes of 8x8, 8x4, 8x8x4, and 8x8x4x4 will have optimal compactness with no wasted space, while 4x8, 16x4, and 8x8x4x2 will have sparse empty sections.

For more information on morton indexing, see:


Constant Syntax

   constant 4.0 kg/s

Regular Table

sample_alpha_mach_table_1 regular_table
   independent_variable mach precision float
       0.000 0.900 1.2
   independent_variable alpha units deg
      0.0 18.0 20.0
   dependent_variable precision float
      0.0 1.2 1.3 0.0 1.2 1.3 0.0 1.2 1.3

Irregular Table

sample_alpha mach_table_2 irregular_table
   independent_variable mach precision float
   independent_variable alpha units deg
   dependent_variable precision float
   mach  0.000
      alpha     -90.0   0.0    90.0
      values    0.0     0.0    0.0
   mach  30.000
      alpha     -90.0   0.0    90.0
      values    0.0     0.0    0.0

Curve Table

   independent_variable time units sec
     0.000 0.98395226 # T+0.3
    69.700 0.98395226 # T+1:10 (70.00 - 0.3 = 69.70)      Begin ramp up to max power
   134.900 1.00000000 # T+2:15.20 (135.20 - 0.3 = 134.90) Center engine cutoff (CECO)
   134.901 0.79722178
   161.330 0.79722178 # T+2:41.63 (161.63 - 0.3 = 161.33) Shutdown

File Reference Syntax

   file data/pdotmax_mach_table.txt

Where maximum_roll_acceleration_mach_table is a 1-dimensional table and the file pdotmax_mach_table.txt contains the following table definition:

# pdotmax_mach_table.txt

   independent_variable mach precision float
      0.25 0.5 0.75 0.85 1.0 1.05 1.2 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25

   dependent_variable precision double
      4.841 21.65 63.78 102.9 154.6 160.8 172.2 150.9 159.9 173.2 188.4

1-Dimensional Table

      independent_variable mach precision float
      0.25 0.5 0.75 0.85 1.0 1.05 1.2 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25

     dependent_variable precision double
     4.841 21.65 63.78 102.9 154.6 160.8 172.2 150.9 159.9 173.2 188.4

2-Dimensional Table

Consider this example of a 2-dimensional regular table consisting of two independent variables, ‘mach’ and ‘alpha’ each with 3 data entries. This requires the definition of nine dependent variables to properly complete the cross sections of the table.

alpha1 = 0.0

alpha2 = 18.0

alpha3 = 20.0

mach1 = 0.000




mach2 = 0.900




mach3 = 1.2




Note that the order of values listed in the dependent_variable depends on the order the independent_variables were specified, allowing the above table to be specified in two different ways:

      independent_variable mach precision float
         0.000 0.900 1.2
      independent_variable alpha units deg
         0.0 18.0 20.0

      dependent_variable precision float
         0.0 1.2 1.3 0.1 1.7 1.4 0.2 1.5 1.6
      independent_variable alpha units deg
         0.0 18.0 20.0
      independent_variable mach precision float
         0.000 0.900 1.2

      dependent_variable precision float
         0.0 0.1 0.2 1.2 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.6

3-Dimensional Table

      independent_variable mach precision float
         0.000 0.900 1.2
      independent_variable alpha units deg
         0.0 18.0 20.0
      independent_variable angle units deg
         -10.0 0.0 10.0

      dependent_variable precision float
         -1.0 0.0 1.0  -1.0 0.0 1.0  -1.0 0.0 1.0
         -1.0 0.0 1.0  -1.0 0.0 1.0  -1.0 0.0 1.0
         -1.0 0.0 1.0  -1.0 0.0 1.0  -1.0 0.0 1.0