SOSM target model simple

The SOSM ‘simple’ target model provides a method to easily create target models that are suitable for uses where great detail is not required.

target_model simple
   state <state-name-1>

      # ----- State selection control

      altitude_range      <lower-length-value> <upper-length-value>
      mach_range          <lower-mach> <upper-mach>
      speed_range         <lower-speed-value> <upper-speed-value>
      throttle_range      <lower-value> <upper-value>

      # ----- Used to specify nominal conditions for 'fast_detection_mode'.

      sample_altitude             <length-value>
      sample_speed                <speed-value>
      sample_mach                 <mach-value>
      sample_throttle             [0..1]

      # ----- Cold part definition

      cold_part_area              [ <file-name> | constant <area-value> ]

      # Parameters to determine temperature for the blackbody model using
      # adiabatic wall assumption
      recovery_factor             (0..1]              # default 0.85
      gamma                       <real-value>        # default 1.4

      # Use a specific temperature for the blackbody model.
      cold_part_temperature       <temperature-value>

      # Use a specific radiant intensity (no blackbody model).
      cold_part_radiant_intensity  <power/solid-angle-value>

      # ----- Hot part definition (optional)

      hot_part_area               [ <file-name> | constant <area-value> ]
      hot_part_area_fraction      <file-name>

      # Use a specific temperature for the blackbody model.
      hot_part_temperature        <temperature-value>

      # Use a specific radiant intensity (no blackbody model).
      hot_part_radiant_intensity  <power/solid-angle-value>

      # ----- Plume definition (optional)

      plume_area                  [ <file-name> | constant <area-value> ]

      # Use a specific temperature for the blackbody model.
      plume_temperature           <temperature-value>

      # Use a specific radiant intensity (no blackbody model).
      plume_radiant_intensity     <power/solid-angle-value>


   state <state-name-n>
      ... state-definition ...

Target Definition Commands

target_model simple … end_target_model

Introduces a target model definition that uses the simple target model. simple is required.

state <state-name> … end_state

A state identifies a set of target conditions to which the associated signature applies. The altitude_range, mach_range, speed_range and throttle_range define the target conditions to which the state applies. The contained band blocks define the associated signature files.

<state-name> is simply a user-definable name for the state. It has no other purpose other than to uniquely identify the state within the target definition.


Every target definition must have at least one state.


The order of state definitions is important. For each detection chance, the target conditions are used to select the appropriate state. The list of states is searched in the order they are defined, and the first one that matches the target conditions is used. If no state matches the current target conditions, the last state defined is used.

altitude_range <lower-length-value> <upper-length-value>

Defines the range of altitudes for which the enclosing state applies.

Default No limits - altitude is not a criteria

mach_range <lower-mach> <upper-mach>
speed_range <lower-speed-value> <upper-speed-value>

Defines the range of speeds for which the enclosing state applies. The range can be defined in either terms of Mach number or absolute speed.

throttle_range <lower-value> <upper-value>

Defines the throttle range for which the enclosing state applies.