
UCI_DMPI_Message inherits UCI_Message


This message represents a single Designated/Desired Mean Point of Impact (DMPI) for a weapon/store. The DMPI series of messages are designed to be used collectively to support a variety of use cases by separating data content into independent messages aligned with typical use case actors.

Static Methods

UCI_DMPI_Message Construct(double aLatitude, double aLongitude, double aAltitude)
UCI_DMPI_Message Construct(UCI_DMPI_ID aDMPI_ID, double aLatitude, double aLongitude, double aAltitude)

Construct a UCI_DMPI_Message for the given aLatitude, aLongitude, and aAltitude. If a UCI_DMPI_ID is not given, a random ID will be generated.



Get the DMPI_ID of the message.

void SetWeaponeering(int aStoreType, UCI_StoreCategory aStoreCategory, int aStoreQuantity)

Set the weaponeering category for the DMPI message.