
Define weapon effectiveness by creating a new or editing an existing weapon effects type.

Creating a weapon_effects type

A weapon_effects command that occurs outside of a platform(_type) definition will create a new weapon_effects type.

weapon_effects <new-type-name> <base-type-name>
   weapon_effects subcommands
  • <new-type-name> : Name of the new weapon_effects type to be created. This must be unique among all the weapon_effects types.

  • <base-type-name> : Name of an existing or predefined weapon_effects type whose definition will be used as the initial definition of the new type.


:Any of the Subcommands valid for <base-type-name>.

Using a weapon_effects type

A weapon_effects command that occurs inside a weapon(_type) definition indicates that engagement results for the weapon should be computed using the indicated weapon_effects type

  weapon_effects <type-name>

Name of an existing or predefined weapon_effects type whose definition will be used to create the new instance.