Command Line Arguments - Wizard


wizard.exe  [ <file_name.txt> ]
            [ <project_file.afproj> ]
            { -console ]
<file_name1.txt> <file_name2.txt> <…>

Specifies an input file(s) to load as a scenario. More than one file may be specified, each one is added to the scenario.


Specifies the path to an existing project file which will be opened.


Commands Wizard to show the console window when starting up. This window displays additional status and debugging information.

Example: Launches Wizard and loads both strike.txt and dis_interface.txt:

On Windows:
   >> wizard.exe strike.txt dis_inteface.txt
   >> wizard.exe c:\project1\scenario1.afproj
On Linux:
   >> wizard strike.txt dis_interface.txt
   >> wizard /home/user/project1/scenario1.afproj


The ‘>>’ represents a command line.