Edit Menu - Wizard


These options apply to the currently active text editor, unless otherwise specified.

  • Go To Defintion - Find the definition of the text under the cursor.

  • Find References - Find references to the text under the cursor.

  • Undo - Undo the last change made.

  • Redo - Redo the last change undone.

  • Cut - Cut the highlighted text to the OS clipboard.

  • Copy - Copy the highlighted text to the OS clipboard.

  • Paste - Paste from the OS clipboard to the cursor location.

  • Select All - Select the entire contents of the document.

  • Find… - Input and find the a text fragment.

  • Find Next - Find the next instance of the last input text.

  • Find Previous - Find the previous instance of the last input text.

  • Find in Files - Find all instances of a text fragment in every project file.

  • Replace… - Replace a text fragment with a new text fragment.

  • Go To line… - Jump the cursor to a selected line.

  • Back - Move the cursor back to its previous location.

  • Forward - Move the cursor forward to a location previous moved Back from.

  • Auto-Complete - Attempt to complete the text fragment under the cursor.

  • Comment Selection - Comment the selected block of text.

  • Uncomment Selection - Uncomment the selected block of text.

  • Toggle Selection Comment - Comment or uncomment the selected block of text based on its current state.

  • Format Selection - Attempt to format the currently selected block of text. Note that this is done according to the indention rules described in the preferences.