File Menu - Wizard

  • Open Project… - Browse to open a project.

  • Open Recent - Open a recently used project.

  • New Project - Create a new project.

  • New File - Create a new file in a text editor.

  • Open File - Open a file in a text editor.

  • Close Project - Close the project.

  • Save Project… - Save the project.

  • Export Project… - Save the project in a new directory.

  • Save File… - Save the file in the currently active editor window.

  • Save File As… - Save the file in the currently active editor window under a different name.

  • Save All - Save all files in editor windows.

  • Print File… - Print the file in the currently active editor window.

  • Save Configuration - Save the current application settings to file.

  • Load Configuration - Load a saved application settings file.

  • Import Configuration Options… - Import some features from an application settings file.

  • Recent Configurations - Choose from a recently used application settings file.

  • Clear Platform Options - Clear out all of the platform options.

  • Exit - Exit the application.

  • Annotations - Allows for the saving and loading of map annotation files.