Appendix: Sample Code from New Checks Tutorial

Demo 1: Sensors should be linked to track processors (simplified)

script void Sensors_should_be_linked_to_track_processors()
  string suite = "demo";
  string check = "Sensors should be linked to track processors";
  string severity = "WARNING";
  string message = "This is just a test";

  bool checkPassed = true;

  for (int i = 0; i != WsfSimulation.PlatformCount(); i += 1)
     // For every sensor on each platform...
     WsfPlatform platform = WsfSimulation.PlatformEntry(i);
     for (int j = 0; j != platform.SensorCount(); j += 1)
        WsfSensor sensor = platform.SensorEntry(j);

        // ... find all track processors that it can reach.
        // Do NOT follow external links from WsfTrackProcessors
        // (which may have a "type" of either WSF_TRACK_PROCESSOR or WSF_TRACK_MANAGER)
        Array<string> ignoreExternalLinks = Array<string>();

        // Track processors may have a "type" of either WSF_TRACK_PROCESSOR or
        // WSF_TRACK_MANAGER: Look for both, since a link to either is sufficient.
        Array<WsfPlatformPart> linkedTrackProcs =
           "WSF_TRACK_PROCESSOR", ignoreExternalLinks, false);

        Array<WsfPlatformPart> linkedTrackMgrs =
           "WSF_TRACK_MANAGER", ignoreExternalLinks, false);

        // sensor fails the Check if it is not linked to any WsfTrackProcessor
        if (linkedTrackProcs.Size() <= 0 && linkedTrackMgrs.Size() <= 0)
           checkPassed = false;

           Array<string> fileLocationTypes = Array<string>();
           Array<string> fileLocationNames = Array<string>();



           string message = "Sensor " + sensor.Name() + " on platform " + platform.Name() +
              " is not linked directly or indirectly to a track processor";
           ScenarioAnalyzerUtils.SendResultMessageWithLinks(suite, check, severity,
              message, fileLocationTypes, fileLocationNames);

  if (checkPassed)
     ScenarioAnalyzerUtils.SendPassMessage(suite, check);

Demo 2: Sensors manager platforms must be linked to battle managers with commit authority

check_suites/includes/helpers.txt (Must be included in demos.txt)

// Helper script that will be passed to ScenarioAnalyzerUtils.CheckUpOneCommandChain()

script bool PlatformHasBMWithCommitAuthority(WsfPlatform p)
  for (int i = 0, proc_count = p.ProcessorCount(); i < proc_count; i += 1)
     WsfProcessor proc = p.ProcessorEntry(i);
     if (proc.IsA_TypeOf("WSF_UNCLASS_BM"))
        WsfUnclassBM bm = (WsfUnclassBM)proc;
        return bm.HasCommitAuthority();
  return false;


include_once includes/helpers.txt

script void SM_platforms_must_be_connected_to_BM_with_commit_authority()
  string suite = "demo";
  string check = "SM platforms must be connected to BM with commit authority";
  string severity = "ERROR";

  bool check_passed = true;

  int platform_count = WsfSimulation.PlatformCount();
  for (int i = 0; i < platform_count; i += 1)
     WsfPlatform platform = WsfSimulation.PlatformEntry(i);

     for (int j = 0, proc_count = platform.ProcessorCount(); j < proc_count; j += 1)
        // If processor is a sensors manager...
        WsfProcessor proc = platform.ProcessorEntry(j);
        if (proc.IsA_TypeOf("WSF_SENSORS_MANAGER"))

           // ... ensure that at least one platform superior to this platform on
           // default command chain has a battle manager with commit authority
           string script_name = "PlatformHasBMWithCommitAuthority";
           if (!ScenarioAnalyzerUtils.CheckUpOneCommandChain(platform, script_name, "default"))
              // If no BM with commit authority is found, send a result message
              // describing the check failure.
              check_passed = false;

              Array<string> fileLocationTypes = Array<string>();
              Array<string> fileLocationNames = Array<string>();



              string message = "Platform " + platform.Name() +  " deploys a sensors manager, " +
                 "but neither this platform nor any platform above it in the default " +
                 "command chain deploys a battle manager with commit authority";

              ScenarioAnalyzerUtils.SendResultMessageWithLinks(suite, check, severity, message,
                 fileLocationTypes, fileLocationNames);

  if (check_passed)
     ScenarioAnalyzerUtils.SendPassMessage(suite, check);


Previous: Adding New Scenario Analyzer Checks