launch_computer <name> WSF_AIR_TO_AIR_LAUNCH_COMPUTER
   ... launch_computer Commands ...
   ... WSF_LAUNCH_COMPUTER Commands ...

   load_table ...
   launch_computer_table ... end_launch_computer_table



WSF_AIR_TO_AIR_LAUNCH_COMPUTER implements a launch computer for an air-to-air missile. This launch computer accepts a target track, and evaluates which tabulated engagement condition most closely matches the track parameters. It supplies the (Ranges and Times-of-flight) expected, to use for launch logic.

Air-to-air missiles are designed with a preferred range of employment: short, medium, or long. Regardless, all missiles will have a minimum range below which they cannot properly arm and guide to intercept, a maximum range beyond which they cannot successfully intercept, and a “no-escape” range of maximum lethality. The minimum and maximum ranges usually assume a level non-maneuvering target. The “no-escape” range is between the min and max, and assume some representative target ability (a G-loading) to turn and run away from the missile the instant it is launched. Within the no-escape range, there is a low probability that the target can be expected to escape.

Method of Operation

The engagement results are functions of 6 independent variables (IVs): shooter altitude and Mach, target altitude and Mach, target aspect angle (nose on = 0 deg), and target lead angle. and 6 dependent variables (DVs): maximum range and time-of-flight, no-escape range and time-of-flight, and minimum range and time-of-flight.

The data tables can be quite large. So that many launch computer instances may share common data tables, the input processing is dedicated primarily to reading in a table of engagement results, which all computers of this type will collectively reference. The table is consulted to time the launch of a WSF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON against a target WsfTrack. The track must have valid WCS location and velocity.

Results are found by first taking each IV and finding the nearest in entry in the data table. Then once indices for each IV is determine, this set of indices is used to lookup the result. In other words, the results are not interpolated values.

Target aspect is defined as follows: Target aspect angle is measured in the horizontal plane from the velocity vector of the target to the shooter line-of-sight vector, with a value from zero to 180 degrees. This means nose on = 0 degrees target aspect!

Target lead angle is also measured in the horizontal plane, from shooter velocity vector to the target line-of-sight (similar to azimuth), but positive if the target is converging laterally toward the shooter velocity vector, and negative if diverging away.

The weapon_tools application assists with creation of launch computers of this type. (See AIR_TO_AIR_LAUNCH_COMPUTER_GENERATOR).


load_table <file-name>

Specifies a separate file to include. This included file must contain the launch_computer_table block.

launch_computer_table … end_launch_computer_table

Specifies the data table for expected results for weapon engagements. This block may be included in-line in the launch computer block, and need not be in a separate file as in load_table above. All of the subcommand inputs listed below are to be embedded within this block.

no_escape_manuever <acceleration-value>

The acceleration used to define the target “turn tail to missile” evade tactic capability. Begins at missile launch.

independent_variables … end_independent_variables

This block contains the data that defines the valid ranges of each of the independent variables for the engagement. Each IV must be given in increasing values. If there are N shooter altitudes, M shooter Machs, P target altitudes, Q target Machs, R target aspect angles, and S target lead angles, then the intercept_results block must have NxMxPxQxRxS x 6 data values in it.

shooter_altitudes <distances> end_shooter_altitudes

Specifies the shooter altitudes. May be uneven but must be in increasing numerical order. (Minimum delta = 100.0 m)

shooter_altitudes 10000 ft 20000 ft 30000 ft end_shooter_altitudes
shooter_machs <values> end_shooter_machs

Specifies the shooter Mach numbers. May be uneven but must be in increasing numerical order. (Minimum delta = 0.05)

shooter_machs 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 end_shooter_machs
target_altitudes <distances> end_target_altitudes

Specifies the target altitudes. May be uneven but must be in increasing numerical order. (Minimum delta = 100.0 m)

target_altitudes 10000 ft 20000 ft 30000 ft end_target_altitudes
target_machs <values> end_target_machs

Specifies the target Mach numbers. May be uneven but must be in increasing numerical order. (Minimum delta = 0.05)

target_machs 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 end_target_machs
target_aspect_angles <angles> end_target_aspect_angles

Specifies the target aspect angles (nose on = 0 deg). May be uneven but must be in increasing numerical order. (Minimum delta = 2.0 deg)

target_aspects 0 deg 30 deg 60 deg 90 deg 135 deg 180 deg deg end_target_aspects
target_lead_angles <angles> end_target_lead_angles

Specifies the target lead angles. May be uneven but must be in increasing numerical order. (Minimum delta = 2.0 deg)

target_lead_angles 0 deg 30 deg 60 deg 90 deg 135 deg 180 deg end_target_lead_angles
target_lead_angle_limits from <angle-value> to <angle-value> by <angle-value>

Specifies the target lead angles using a shorten notation. This is an alternate to the previous target_lead_angles command. (Minimum delta = 2.0 deg)

target_lead_angle_limits from -180 deg to 180 deg by 10 deg
intercept_results … end_intercept_results

This block contains all the data points that define the intercept envelope. There must be as many entries/lines as there are engagement conditions (see independent_variables). Any value of -1.0 indicates not-achievable. It is recommended that this data be generated using the LAR generator tool called weapon_tools.

The format of the data is:

   Rmin <length-value> <time-value> Rne <length-value> <time-value> Rmax <length-value> <time-value>
   Rmin <length-value> <time-value> Rne <length-value> <time-value> Rmax <length-value> <time-value>
   Rmin <length-value> <time-value> Rne <length-value> <time-value> Rmax <length-value> <time-value>
Rmin <length-value> <time-value>

Minimum range and time-of-flight for this condition, below which intercept is unsuccessful.

Rne <length-value> <time-value>

No-escape range and time-of-flight for this condition.

Rmax <length-value> <time-value>

Maximum range and time-of-flight for this condition, beyond which intercept is unsuccessful.


First Example Input Data:

launch_computer airToAirComputer WSF_AIR_TO_AIR_COMPUTER
      no_escape_maneuver 7 g
         shooter_altitudes 10000 ft 20000 ft 30000 ft end_shooter_altitudes
         shooter_machs 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2  end_shooter_machs
         target_altitudes 10000 ft 20000 ft 30000 ft  end_target_altitudes
         target_machs 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 end_target_machs
         target_aspect_angles 0 deg 60 deg 120 deg 180 deg end_target_aspect_angles
         target_lead_angles 0 deg 60 deg 90 deg 120 deg 180 deg end_target_lead_angles
         # Shooter Alt=10000 ft, M=0.8, Tgt Alt=10000 ft, M=0.8, Aspect = 0 deg
         Rmin 1096.54 m 1.90483 s  Rne 7237.79 m 17.35 s  Rmax 15904 m 20.4 s  # Lead = 0 deg
         Rmin 4829.64 m 12.7495 s  Rne -1 m -1 s  Rmax -1 m -1 s  # Lead = 60 deg
         Rmin 5003.26 m 9.83513 s  Rne -1 m -1 s  Rmax -1 m -1 s  # Lead = 90 deg
         Rmin 4208.14 m 7.21605 s  Rne 5809.84 m 16.9783 s  Rmax -1 m -1 s  # Lead = 120 deg
         Rmin 1096.54 m 1.90482 s  Rne 7284.14 m 17.4125 s  Rmax 15904 m 20.4 s  # Lead = 180 deg
         # INCOMPLETE EXAMPLE ... Total Conditions = 3 X 7 X 3 X 7 X 4 X 5 = 8820 lines needed.

Second Example Input Data:

launch_computer airToAirComputer2 WSF_AIR_TO_AIR_COMPUTER
   # Pointed to file must contain the launch_computer_table ... end_launch_computer_table block.
   load_table launch_computer_table_data.txt