Script Class: WsfNetworkStar

network <name> WSF_COMM_NETWORK_STAR
   ... network Commands ...

      member <string-value> <string-value>

      member <address-value>

   hub_named <string-value> <string-value>

   hub_address <address-value>



WSF_COMM_NETWORK_STAR provides a generic network that enforces a star topology. One comm object in this network is designated as a “hub”, and all other members of the network only have bi-directional linkage with the “hub” comm object. This guarantees no more than two hops between any members of this network. Note that if a hub is not designated in this network, no linkage is created.


comm_list … end_comm_list

Members of this network may be specified by identifying a comm object by its owning platform name and the name of the comm. Each entry in this list is prefixed by the “member” command.

address_list … end_address_list

Members of this network may be specified by identifying a comm object by its address. Each entry in this list is prefixed by the “member” command. This list is only available to comm objects that have specified addresses in input, as comms without specified addresses will be dynamically allocated at runtime.

hub_named <string-value> <string-value>

Specifies the star network hub comm object by its owning platform name, and the comm name. This hub must be a member of the network.

hub_address <address-value>

Specifies the star network hub comm object by its address. This hub must be a member of the network.