router_protocol <name> WSF_COMM_ROUTER_PROTOCOL_AD_HOC

   comm_added_delay_time <random-time-reference>
   comm_removed_delay_time <random-time-reference>
   connection_added_delay_time <random-time-reference>
   connection_removed_delay_time <random-time-reference>

   script bool OnCommAdded ...
   script bool OnCommRemoved ...
   script bool OnConnectionAdded ...
   script bool OnConnectionRemoved ...
   script WsfAddress OnMessageRouting ...



WSF_COMM_ROUTER_PROTOCOL_AD_HOC is a generic router protocol, providing user-defined script methods to define the behavior of the routing protocol. This protocol allows users to define the behaviors reflected in the network knowledge maintained in the router when changes are made to network state. Although intended to enable ad-hoc capabilities, it can also be used in any circumstance in which users want to define their own routing call implementation via a scripted interface.

This protocol is limited, for practical and performance reasons, to only consider changes in network state to the network membership of the comm interfaces assigned to the router. Changes external to these networks are not considered by this protocol.

Changes that do occur during runtime to one of the networks of interest to this protocol will call the corresponding script method to allow user-defined logic to execute, along with a corresponding return value to indicate the action to be taken regarding that event.

Time delays are also provided for most of the events this protocol monitors, to allow either constant or distribution-based delays in state updates. This is provided to emulate potential delays in acquiring notification of these events at the router due to typical network latency effects, delays in how a particular protocol being modeled distributes this data, etc.


This protocol can be performance intensive if the network(s) this protocol monitors for state changes contains many members, or if many routers with this protocol exist in the simulation simultaneously.


comm_added_delay_time <random-time-reference>

Defines the delay to be taken between when a network being monitored adds a comm interface and when this protocol will execute the OnCommAdded script method, potentially adding an interface to the network state graph.

Default: No delay (constant 0 s)

comm_removed_delay_time <random-time-reference>

Defines the delay to be taken between when a network being monitored removes a comm interface and when this protocol will execute the OnCommRemoved script method, potentially removing an interface on the network state graph.

Note that this method only handles the removal of the node itself, and not the connections that relied on that node’s existence.

Default: No delay (constant 0 s)

connection_added_delay_time <random-time-reference>

Defines the delay to be taken between when a network being monitored adds a link or connection and when this protocol will execute the OnConnectionAdded script method, potentially adding a connection to the network state graph.

Default: No delay (constant 0 s)

connection_removed_delay_time <random-time-reference>

Defines the delay to be taken between when a network being monitored removes a link or connection and when this protocol will execute the OnConnectionRemoved script method, potentially removing a connection from the network state graph.

Default: No delay (constant 0 s)

OnCommAdded (script)
script bool OnCommAdded(WsfAddress aAddedComm, WsfCommGraph aNetworkState, WsfCommRouter aRouter)

Defines an optional script that is invoked (after delays) when a comm interface is added. This is only invoked when the interface being added shares a network with one of the interfaces on the router this protocol belongs to, or pertains directly to one of the router interfaces.

A boolean value MUST be returned from this script indicating whether the protocol should add this interface to its network state graph (true) or should not take any action (false).

OnCommRemoved (script)
script bool OnCommRemoved(WsfAddress aAddedComm, WsfCommGraph aNetworkState, WsfCommRouter aRouter)

Defines an optional script that is invoked (after delays) when a comm interface is removed. This is only invoked when the interface being removed shares a network with one of the interfaces on the router this protocol belongs to, or pertains directly to one of the router interfaces.

A boolean value MUST be returned from this script indicating whether the protocol should remove this interface from its network state graph (true) or should not take any action (false).

OnConnectionAdded (script)
script bool OnConnectionAdded(WsfAddress aSourceComm, WsfAddress aDestinationComm, WsfCommGraph aNetworkState, WsfCommRouter aRouter)

Defines an optional script that is invoked (after delays) when a connection is added. This is only invoked when one of the involved interfaces (either the source or destination) shares a network with one of the interfaces on the router this protocol belongs to.

A boolean value MUST be returned from this script indicating whether the protocol should add this connection to its network state graph (true) or should not take any action (false).

OnConnectionRemoved (script)
script bool OnConnectionRemoved(WsfAddress aSourceComm, WsfAddress aDestinationComm, WsfCommGraph aNetworkState, WsfCommRouter aRouter)

Defines an optional script that is invoked (after delays) when a connection is removed. This is only invoked when one of the involved interfaces (either the source or destination) shares a network with one of the interfaces on the router this protocol belongs to.

A boolean value MUST be returned from this script indicating whether the protocol should remove this connection from its network state graph (true) or should not take any action (false).

OnMessageRouting (script)
script WsfAddress OnMessageRouting(WsfCommMessage aMessage, WsfAddress aInterface, WsfCommGraph aNetworkState, WsfCommRouter aRouter)

Defines an optional script that is invoked immediately when a message requires routing on an interface belonging to this protocol’s router.

A WsfAddress MUST be returned from this script indicating the next hop address to forward this message. If a null address is provided (by not setting the address for the returned object) then this indicates that this protocol should drop the message and not attempt forwarding the message. Any other address will be used as the indicated forwarding address, and MUST be directly connected to the interface receiving the message (provided via the aInterface parameter).

Note that many of the details are provided to make most routing determinations, including the information provided directly from the message itself (traceroute, destination address, etc.) the current graph state (pathing), and the router itself.