router_protocol <name> WSF_COMM_ROUTER_PROTOCOL_RIPv2

   update_interval <time-value>

   invalidation_timeout <time-value>

   garbage_collection_timeout <time-value>

   poisoned_reverse <boolean-value>



WSF_COMM_ROUTER_PROTOCOL_RIPv2 is a routing protocol based on the Bellman-Ford algorithm, used by comm object routers to determine when updates are provided to other routers, as well as determining the routing path for a message sent through the AFSIM Communication framework. RIPv2 is designed for use with networks with a diameter no more than 15.

As with all routing protocols, use of this object is pertinent only to perceived/dynamic routing.


This protocol is provided in a beta state. Bugs or other issues may exist in this version.


update_interval <time-value>

Specifies how often a router will send an update to other routers. As specified for the RIPv2 spec (RFC 2543), this is base time. Each time an update is scheduled, the time can change by +/- 5 seconds.

Default: 30 seconds

invalidation_timeout <time-value>

The amount of time that must pass before a route is marked as inactive. Once a router has not been heard from for this amount of time, routes learned from that router are marked as inactive.

Default: 180 seconds

garbage_collection_timeout <time-value>

The amount of time that once a route has been marked as inactive, it will be purged from the routing table.

Default: 120 seconds

poisoned_reverse <boolean-value>

Specifies whether to use split horizon, or split horizon with poisoned reverse. Split horizon is a scheme for avoiding sending routes in updates to routers from which they were learned. Poisoned reverse includes such routes in updates, but sets their metrics to be unusable.

Default: on