cyber_effect <effect_name> WSF_CYBER_TOGGLE_COMMS_EFFECT

   platform_type <type>
      ... comm_effect_targeting definitions
      target_list <comm-name> ... <comm-name> ... end_target_list

   platform <name>
      ... comm_effect_targeting definitions

      ... comm_effect_targeting definitions



WSF_CYBER_TOGGLE_COMMS_EFFECT is a cyber_effect that allows disabling of one or more comms on affected victim platforms.


This effect does NOT require user supplied data during a CyberAttack initiation call.


platform_type <type> … end_platform_type

Define the effect targeting for a platform type. This command may be repeated as necessary.

platform <name> … end_platform

Define the effect targeting for a specific platform. This command may be repeated as necessary.

default … end_default

Define the effect targeting parameters for all platforms that are not of the provided platform or platform_type definitions.


This effect attempts to match the most specific case to the victim platform for determination of which block is applicable. Matching is first attempted by platform name, then by all platform_types that the victim derives from (from most to least specific), and finally by using the default block (if defined). If a match is not found due to the default block not being defined and previous matching attempts failing, then this effect will have no affect on the victim platform.

Comm Effect Targeting

For a platform subject to this effect and matching a defined platform, platform_type, or default block, the following options are provided for determining which comms on the victim are subject to being toggled off:

target_list <comm-name> <comm-name> … end_target_list

A target_list defines the names of the comms that should be disabled by this effect. Any comm name matching the provided names will be turned off. All other comms will be unaffected.


Specifying this command in lieu of the target_list will disable all comms on the victim platform. Defining both the select_all and target_list block commands will result in an error in loading the scenario input.