cyber_effect <effect_name> WSF_CYBER_WEAPONS_RETARGET_EFFECT



WSF_CYBER_WEAPONS_RETARGET_EFFECT is a cyber_effect that allows the attacker to redefine the victim’s current target by providing a new target via a track. Upon completion of the effect, the original target of the victim will be restored. This effect does not prevent the change of the current target while the effect is ongoing. This effect is not limited to weapon platforms, and can target any platform in the simulation.

This effect in no way alters the track update mechanism of the victim. Therefore, if this attack provides altered data on the track provided, any future updates to the track will not be prevented. Note that if a false track is provided, there should not be any incoming track updates to contend with. The functionality for manipulating track data on a victim is expected in a future iteration of development.

This effect requires the passage of user supplied data via the WsfCyberAttackParameters object at the time of attack call. This effect only allows a single user provided parameter of type WsfTrack. The string identifier for such data must match the name of this particular effect instantiation exactly so that the effect can recognize which parameter is intended for it (since this may not be the only effect requiring user supplied parameters).


This effect requires user supplied data during a CyberAttack initiation call. Anything passed for this effect beyond a single track is an error.


This effect may have limited use unless the target has active guidance.



This effect has no additional input. It only needs to be instantiated in a scenario for later use by the cyber_attack object. This effect requires additional input to a cyber_attack call by providing a retargeting track during the attack.