weapon_effects Commands ...

  pk_tables_path <directory>
  default_pk <pk-value>
  file_filter <string>


WSF_ENGAGE_LAUNCH_PK_TABLE_LETHALITY computes lethality using a probability of kill (Pk) table lookup defined in Pk table files. Pk table files specify launching platform types and target platform types. For each launching/target platform type pair, the Pk lookup is a function of target altitude and speed, as well as target cross range and down range distance at the time of weapon launch.

Each file must be of a pre-defined format containing the following:

  • Site Platform Type (launcher)

  • Target Platform Type

  • Length Units of Measure

  • Speed Units of Measure

  • Target Altitude

  • Target Speed

  • Pk table with target cross range distance specified in the X-axis (columns) and target down range distance specified in the Y-axis (rows)


At a minimum, WSF_ENGAGE_LAUNCH_PK_TABLE_LETHALITY requires 2 Pk table files per weapon/target pairing with at least 1 Altitude and 2 Speed defined across both files. A warning will be issued when attempting to use a single Pk table file and when using Pk table files with invalid table inputs. The Examples below show valid WSF_ENGAGE_LAUNCH_PK_TABLE_LETHALITY command values and Pk file input.

Pk table files may be created using the AFSIM engage tool via Pk Table Generation Commands. If a Pk table is not available for a given launcher/target pair involved in a weapon engagement, a default constant Pk is specified using the default_pk command.



If incidental damage is enabled, the pk drawn for the target (launch_pk) will be applied to all platforms in the simulation. To apply incidental damage more appropriately, use on_weapon_target_engagement to degrade the pk (see example below).


The following weapon_effects commands are not compatible with WSF_ENGAGE_LAUNCH_PK_TABLE_LETHALITY. Use of these commands will result in an input processing error.

pk_tables_path <directory>

Specifies the path to the Pk table files. May be a relative or absolute path.

default_pk <pk-value>

The default constant Pk value to be used in a weapon engagement when no Pk table lookup is available for a given launcher and target platform type.

Default: 0.0

file_filter <string>

The filter to use when recursively scanning the pk_tables_path directory for Pk table files. Any file whose name matches the filter will be loaded. Wild-carding using ‘*’ is suggested (e.g. *.*; *.pk*) and the filter may be surrounded by quotation marks if it contains white space characters.

Default: * (wild-card matches all files)


The example file below contains a WSF_ENGAGE_LAUNCH_PK_TABLE_LETHALITY weapon_effects block. The file is located in the ~/engage_pk_tables working directory.



   pk_tables_path ./
   file_filter *.pk*
   default_pk 0.7


The following 2 example Pk table files define a BOMBER/VEHICLE launcher/target platform type pair for target altitude of 9144 meters and target speeds of 131 and 262 knots, respectively.


The location and file names of the Pk table files must be consistent with the arguments passed to the pk_tables_path and file_filter commands.



Site Platform Type: BOMBER
Target Platform Type: VEHICLE
Length Units: m
Speed Units: knots
Altitude: 9144
Speed: 131
               -20000         0              20000
-100000        0.9            0.9            0.9
0              0.9            0.3            0.9
100000         0.5            0.5            0.5
 Site Platform Type: BOMBER
 Target Platform Type: VEHICLE
 Length Units: m
 Speed Units: knots
 Altitude: 9144
 Speed: 262
               -20000         0              20000
-100000        0.9            0.9            0.9
0              0.9            0.3            0.9
100000         0.5            0.5            0.5

The following example shows how incidental damage can be applied more appropriately:


   incidental_damage_allowed true
   pk_tables_path ./

   script void on_weapon_target_engagement(WsfPlatform aTarget)
      WsfPlatform intendedTarget = TargetPlatform();
      WsfPlatform actualTarget = aTarget;
      if (actualTarget != intendedTarget)
         double distance = MissDistance(actualTarget); # meters
         if (distance <= 100.0)
         else if (distance <= 250.0)