weapon_effects <name> <base-type>
   ... weapon_effects Commands ...
end weapon_effects


Defines commands that are common to all weapon_effects classes for explicitly modeled weapons.


maximum_radius <length-value>

Defines the maximum slant range (distance from the detonation/impact point to the target) at which this weapon could possibly have an effect. Note that this is only used for limiting the number of platforms that must be checked for possible damage, effectively eliminated ‘far-away’ objects from consideration.

If this value is not supplied, the derived class may provide a value. For instance, WSF_GRADUATED_LETHALITY will set it to a value that is a little larger than the largest radius in any of its tables.

If this value is supplied, it may also limit any value defined by a derived class. Again using WSF_GRADUATED_LETHALITY as an example, if the largest radius from the tables is 200 meters, and this command specifies a value of 100 meters, only platforms within 100 meters of the detonation/impact point will be considered. This allows one to quickly limit a weapon_effects on a temporary basis.

Default: 0 m (not supplied - no limit, or limited by the derived class)