... Platform Part Commands ...
   ... Articulated Part Commands ...
   ... Weapon Commands ...

   launched_platform_type ...
   quantity ...



WSF_IMPLICIT_WEAPON represents a weapon that does not require an independent flyout. There is no weapon platform created for implicit weapons. Often, they are simply fired directly at a particular target rather than using a track to provide other information such as target coordinates. Implicit weapons are often used with launch computers (e.g., indirect fire weapons modeled as implicit). In this case, engagements are evaluated at the time specified by the launch computer’s time to intercept calculation. By default, if no launch computer is used, engagements are evaluated on the update_interval of the weapon (if specified). However, derived weapon models, such as the WSF_LASER_WEAPON (where engagement evaluations are done at a specified interval), may provide their own implementation.


launched_platform_type <string-reference>

As documented in WSF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON, this command specifies the type of platform to be created when a weapon of this type is launched. Although implicit weapons do not create new platforms, this command may be required if the implicit weapon uses a launch computer. Launch computer documentation will list this requirement if applicable.

Default: No default. Must be specified if required.

quantity <real-reference>

This command is identical to quantity; however, the default value for implicit weapons is different.

Default: Value of maximum_quantity