Script Class: N/A


   Platform Part Commands ...

   ... WSF_MATH_3D_MOVER Commands ...

   // Route Mover Commands

   use_route ...



Implements a low-fidelity air mover, much like WSF_AIR_MOVER. But the WSF_AIR_MOVER was found to have non-smooth motion when lateral and vertical maneuvers were combined, necessitating this alternative. The underlying dynamics model is essentially a quaternion orientation that is permitted to rotate only at constrained angular rates in inertial space, and the velocity vector is directed in the “forward” direction from this quaternion. No aerodynamics or propulsion is modeled. This permits smooth turns to be made in lateral and vertical directions. The magnitude of the accelerations are determined by internal pursuit and proportional navigation gains, and the target point in three dimensions is determined by the Route Mover waypoint-switching logic.

This initial draft is not complete, and does not implement all guidance possible while switching waypoints within a route. It does respond to (Latitude, Longitude, Altitude (MSL-only)) waypoints, and honors speed commands. It ignores heading, distance, time, climb rates, flight path angles, and acceleration commands.

Velocity vector turn rates are constrained to the most restrictive of maximum_lateral_acceleration, maximum_axial_body_roll_rate, and maximum_axial_body_turn_rate, and ever increasing current platform speed will force the platform motion to approach a straight line if maximum_lateral_acceleration is held constant.

Some comments on setting appropriate velocity_pursuit_gain (VP) and proportional_navigation_gain (PN) values is in order. These two gains will conflict with each other, and achieving proper values may be a trial and error process. “Saturation” my occur if the velocity vector constraints (see paragraph above) are so severe that the requested VP or PN requested accelerations are not achievable. Setting VP and PN to zero would be pointless, as platform motion would not turn to intercept the target. Begin by setting PN to zero, and VP small, and increase VP until turn aggressiveness toward the target point is sufficient to intercept. If the target point is stationary (such as for a fixed waypoint), calibration is complete. For moving or accelerating target motion, pure VP will result in a sweeping turn to approach the target from behind. At this time, begin increasing PN until the platform “anticipates” the impact point, and flies to intercept in a straight line (provided the target is also moving in a straight line). In this respect, PN is “better” than VP. The temptation is to fly only PN, with no VP, but if the target point begins behind the velocity vector (azimuth or elevation greater than 90 degrees), PN will settle into flying 180 degrees _away_ from the target. Generally, a brief period of VP is flown to get the platform moving toward the target, and then VP is ramped out, while PN is ramped in, so terminal intercept is pure PN.

(Only of interest to software developers, the WSF_MATH_3D_MOVER class is a facade, and the underlying motion dynamics are implemented by the UtMath3D_Motion utility, which processes the input stream commands below.)


detailed_debug <boolean-value>

Enables debug output to the standard output.

prefer_canopy_up <boolean-value>

Causes the platform to roll to the local vertical at all times. Mutually exclusive to bank_to_turn.

bank_to_turn <boolean-value>

Causes the platform to roll into the acceleration vector, but still prefers the vertical when not accelerating in a turn. Mutually exclusive to prefer_canopy_up.

broach_at_sea_level <boolean-value>

Betraying the development of this class to model torpedo motion, this flag assures that the motion must remain below local sea level, once subsurface.

target_speed <speed-value>

Once supplied, the platform will accelerate or decelerate match the target speed, subject to maximum_linear_acceleration constraint.

initial_speed <speed-value>

Initial linear speed. After initialization, speed is varied to maintain target_speed.

initial_flight_path_angle <angle-value>

Initial flight path angle. After initialization, flight path angle will vary to guide to desired waypoint.

maximum_linear_acceleration <acceleration-value>

Defines the linear (velocity direction) acceleration limit constraint.

Default: 0.25 G

maximum_lateral_acceleration <acceleration-value>

Defines the lateral (normal to velocity direction) acceleration limit constraint. This constraint is imposed simultaneously with maximum_axial_body_turn_rate, the most restrictive is used.

Default: 8.0 G

maximum_axial_body_roll_rate <angular-rate-value>

Defines the maximum rate at which the platform will try to capture desired target bank angle.

Default: 180 deg/sec

maximum_axial_body_turn_rate <angular-rate-value>

Defines the maximum rate at which the velocity vector will rotate in three-dimensional space. This constraint is imposed simultaneously with maximum_lateral_acceleration, the most restrictive is used.

Default: 45 deg/sec

velocity_pursuit_gain <non-negative-value>

Defines the factor of proportion between target azimuth and elevation (in radians), and the applied lateral or vertical acceleration (in m/sec^2) to null the velocity vector to point at the target. See comments in header above.

Default: 4.0

proportional_navigation_gain <non-negative-value>

Defines the factor of proportion between the target line-of-sight-rate (in rad/sec), and the applied lateral or vertical acceleration (in m/sec^2) to null the velocity vector to intercept the target’s future position at time of intercept. See comments in header above.

Default: 40.0

use_route <route-name>

Supplies the name of the route to follow. The route is assumed to be a predefined absolute route.