... Platform Part Commands ...
   ... Articulated Part Commands ...
   ... sensor Commands ...
   mode <name>
      ... Sensor Mode Commands...
      ... WSR_RADAR_SENSOR Beam Commands ...
      ... WSF_SURFACE_WAVE_RADAR_SENSOR Commands ...


WSF_SURFACE_WAVE_RADAR_SENSOR implements an over-the-horizon radar that relies on the propagation of RF energy along the earth’s surface (i.e., does not rely on ionosphere backscatter).

The detection capability of these radars are driven by external noise. This noise consists of galactic, atmospheric and man-made noise. The galactic noise is a function of the operating frequency of the radar. The atmospheric noise is a function of the radar’s operating location, season and time of day. The man-made noise is a function of the man-made environment near the radar location. The sensor will use the simulation’s date and time, as specified in Simulation Control Commands to determine the appropriate atmospheric noise.

The ground-wave propagation is a C++ port of the GRWAVE FORTRAN code available from the International Telecommunication Union, Radiocommunication Sector, Study Group 3 (Radiowave propagation). The GRWAVE program and documentation can be retrieved from


transmitter … end_transmitter

A transmitter block that defines the properties of the transmitter. There is a unique propagation model for surface wave radar sensors.

propagation_model groundwave_propagation … end_propagation_model
relative_permittivity <number>

The relative permittivity of the surface of the earth.

Default: 70.0 (sea)

conductivity <number>

The conductivity of the earth’s surface (Siemens/meter).

Default: 5.0

troposphere_refractivity <number>

The refractivity of the troposphere at the surface of the earth (N-units).

Default: 315.0

troposphere_height_scale <length-value>

The scale height of the troposphere.

Default: 7.35 km

minimum_computation_distance <length-value>

The minimum distance from the radar that propagation will be computed for.

Default: 10.0 km

computation_distance_interval <length-value>

The distance interval between cell centers for propagation computation.

Default: 10.0 km

noise_environment [ business | residential | rural | quiet_rural ]

Defines the man-made noise environment that the sensor operates in.

Default: quiet_rural