fuel <new_type> <base_type>
   Platform Part Commands ...
   ... :command:`Common fuel Commands <fuel>` ...
   ... WSF_TABULAR_RATE_FUEL Commands ...

   // Commands associated with supplying fuel...

   supply_method_preference ...
   supply_location_preference ...
   supply_point ...

   // Commands associated with receiving fuel...

   maximum_refuel_quantity ...
   desired_top_off_quantity ...
   maximum_receive_rate ...
   receive_method ...



WSF_TANKED_FUEL is a special WSF_TABULAR_RATE_FUEL embedded within a platform that can be refueled or can refuel other platforms. The fuel quantity is off-loaded from the instance of WSF_TANKED_FUEL on the Supplier to the WSF_TANKED_FUEL on the Receiver.


desired_top_off_quantity <mass-value>

Specifies the lower value on a band of desired operating fuel quantity. This value, along with maximum_refuel_quantity specifies the hysteresis band to stay within while operating in proximity to a refueling tanker, such as during a group ferry flight. In other words, when fuel quantity transitions from above this quantity to below, it is desired to begin a fuel receive operation from a nearby tanker if possible. Script operations may key upon this transition, in order to take a desired action. Conversely, when the fuel quantity transitions from below maximum_refuel_quantity to above, a separate scripted action may be taken, such as to terminate the receive-in-process action.

Default: 0

maximum_receive_rate <mass-flow-rate>

Specifies the maximum rate at which the platform can be refueled.

Default: 0

maximum_refuel_quantity <mass-value>

Specifies the upper value on a band of desired operating fuel quantity. See desired_top_off_quantity for more detail.

Default: 0

receive_method [ hose | boom ]

Sets the method that this tanked fuel may use to receive fuel. At the time a fuel supply operation between two tanks is initiated, the Tanker must have an available fuel supply point that matches the Receiver’s configuration, or the transfer cannot begin. See supply_method_preference.

Default: NO_METHOD - Not enabled to receive fuel.

supply_location_preference [ wing | center ]

Sets the preferred location that this tanked fuel may use to supply fuel. Often a tanker may have multiple stations to supply fuel, leading to some ambiguity about which transfer point should be used, so this setting is consulted to resolve the ambiguity, if necessary. Run-time software is permitted to change this setting to reconfigure to an anticipated receiver arrival.

Default: NO_PREFERENCE - No expressed preference for refueling location.

supply_method_preference [ hose | boom ]

Sets the preferred method that this tanked fuel may use to supply fuel. Often a tanker may have multiple methods to supply fuel, leading to some ambiguity about which type of transfer should be attempted, so this setting is consulted to resolve the ambiguity, if necessary. At the time a fuel supply operation between two tanks is initiated, the Tanker must have an available fuel supply point type that matches the Receiver’s configuration, or the transfer cannot begin. See receive_method. Run-time software is permitted to change this setting to reconfigure to an anticipated receiver arrival.

Default: NO_METHOD - No expressed preference refueling method.

supply_point [ left | center | right ] [ boom | hose ] ‘<mass-flow-rate>’

Specify the maximum flow rate for a fuel supply point station. This value may be reduced if the receiver’s maximum receive rate is less. This command should be repeated for each available refueling station.