Script Classes: WsfThreatProcessor

processor <name> WSF_THREAT_PROCESSOR
   processor Commands ...

   threat_velocity <speed>
   threat_angle_spread <angle>
   threat_time_to_intercept <time>

   require_iff_foe <boolean>

   ignore_lower_altitude_threats <boolean>
   ignore_without_location <boolean>
   ignore_without_velocity <boolean>


WSF_THREAT_PROCESSOR is a processor that watches the containing WsfPlatform’s master track list and creates from it a list of threatening tracks based on commanded constraints. The WSF_THREAT_PROCESSOR is intended to identify incoming high-speed platforms, (i.e. missiles) but could be adapted for other purposes.


threat_velocity <speed-value>

Declares the speed in above which a track will be classified as a threat.

Default: 600 m/s

threat_angle_spread <angle-value>

Declares the width of the angle in front of the platform within which it may consider a track threatening.

Default: 30 degrees

threat_time_to_intercept <time-value>

Declares the time to intercept limit within which a track may be considered threatening. Based on speed and distance.

Default: 60 seconds

require_iff_foe <boolean>

If set to true, this threat processor ignores all potential threats that don’t have IFF set to FOE in their track.

Default: false

ignore_lower_altitude_threats <boolean>

If set to true, this threat processor ignores all potential threats that are at a lower altitude and traveling downward.


Take care when considering a WSF_STRAIGHT_LINE_MOVER; they could be lower and traveling “downward” because of the curvature of the earth.

Default: false

ignore_without_location <boolean>

If set to true, the threat processor ignores tracks that do not have location data; such tracks are always non-threatening.

Default: true

ignore_without_velocity <boolean>

If set to true, the threat processor ignores tracks that do not have velocity data; such tracks are always non-threatening.

Default: true