Platform Part Commands ...

   // Mover Commands

   update_interval ...

   // Towed Mover Commands

   tow_length ...
   reel_out_speed ...
   reel_in_speed ...
   reel_in_at_absolute_time ...
   reel_in_time_after_deployed ...
   restore_quantity ...
   follow_lead_trajectory ...
   azimuth_relative_to_lead ...
   elevation_relative_to_lead ...


WSF_TOWED_MOVER implements a mover that is towed by a lead platform. The towed platform follows the lead platform’s path as long as it is deployed. Script examples are shown for WsfTowedMover.

Special Considerations

  • The towed asset platform must be defined having a mover type of WSF_TOWED_ASSET.

  • The towed asset is treated as a WSF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON type and must be ‘Fired’ to be added to the simulation environment.

  • The lead platform must contain a <weapon-system-type> for a WSF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON that contains the towed asset platform type.

  • The towed asset is deployed until both, a reel in time and a reel in speed, are set.

  • The towed asset platform will be removed from the simulation if the lead platform is killed.

  • Ensure that the ‘update_interval’ of the lead platform is not too large. Otherwise the towed asset may have to make some drastic moves to attain the prescribed spatial relationship.

Mover Commands

update_interval <time-value>

If non-zero, specifies a periodic time interval at which the simulation will call the mover. If zero then the mover will be called only when it is necessary to determine the position of the containing platform.

Default: 0.25 seconds unless overridden by the specific mover implementation.

Towed Mover Commands

tow_length <length-value>

Specifies the desired distance between the lead platform and the towed asset.

Default: 500.0 meters

reel_out_speed <time-value>

Specifies the speed or rate at which the towed asset is reeled out from the lead platform. While being reeled out, the state is set to REELING_OUT. When the desired tow length has been reached, the state is set to DEPLOYED and the distance is maintained.

Default: 5.0 meters/second

reel_in_speed <time-value>

Specifies the speed or rate at which the towed asset is to be reeled back onto the lead platform. If not set, the towed asset will be deployed and remain in the simulation until killed or until the lead platform is removed from the simulation.

Default: 0.0 meters/second

reel_in_at_absolute_time <time-value>

Defines the absolute simulation time to start reeling the towed asset back onto the lead platform. A reel in rate must be set. Use ‘reel_in_speed’ or a script command to set the reel in rate for the towed asset.

Default: 0.0 seconds WsfTowedMover script commands to set the reel in start time: SetStartReelInTimeAbsolute, SetStartReelInTimeRelative or SetReelInTimeAfterDeploymentRelative.

WsfTowedMover script commands to set the reel in rate: SetReelInRateMPS

reel_in_time_after_deployed <time-value>

Specifies the speed or rate at which the towed asset is to be reeled back onto the lead platform after the towed asset has been fully deployed.

Default: 0.0 seconds

restore_quantity <boolean-value>

If set to ‘true’, the quantity remaining for the towed asset is reset to the initial loadout after the towed asset was reeled out, deployed and then reeled back onto the lead platform. This allows for an unlimited number of towed launches.

Default: false

follow_lead_trajectory <boolean-value>

If set to ‘true’, the towed asset will follow the lead platform’s trajectory. The towed asset’s state is taken from the lead platform’s state history, with the time offset calculated by dividing the tether length by the lead platform’s speed. If set to ‘false’, the towed asset will follow as though it were rigidly attached, fixed in the lead platform’s entity coordinate system for a given deployed tether length and desired relative geometry (specified with the azimuth_relative_to_lead and elevation_relative_to_lead commands.

Default: true

azimuth_relative_to_lead <angle-value>

Towed asset azimuth with respect to the lead platform, when follow_lead_trajectory flag is not set. Value must be in range [-90 deg, 90 deg] with 0 corresponding to the -X axis in the lead platform’s entity coordinate system, and positive values counter-clockwise.

Default: 0.0 deg

elevation_relative_to_lead <angle-value>

Towed asset elevation with respect to the lead platform. Value must be in range [-90 deg, 90 deg], with positive elevation corresponding to -Z direction of the lead platform’s entity coordinate system.

Default: 0.0 deg