... Platform Part Commands ...

   filename or TSPI_filename ...
   start_time ...
   at_end_of_path ...

   # Data Format Commands

   time_in ...
   altitude_in ...
   heading_in ...
   pitch_in ...
   roll_in ...
   relocate_and_rotate ...


WSF_TSPI_MOVER implements a mover that updates position based on Time Space Position Information (TSPI) data read from a text file.

The data contained in the TSPI data file are of the following form:

<time> <latitude> <longitude> <altitude> <speed> <heading> <pitch> <roll>

The default units for these TSPI values are seconds, meters, meters/second, and radians. However, the user can specify Data Format Commands that override the defaults.


filename <filename>
TSPI_filename <filename>

Specify the name of the file containing the TSPI data. (Note that this is also a separately scriptable command. See WsfMover SetTSPI_FileName() for details.)

start_time <time-value>

Specify the simulation time that corresponds with the time of the first TSPI data value. This is the simulation time at which the associated platform will begin moving.

Default: 0.0

at_end_of_path [ extrapolate stop remove ]

Specify what occurs when the end of the TSPI file is encountered.

  • extrapolate: Continue in a great-circle path from the last point.

  • stop: Stop at the last point.

  • remove: Remove the platform from the simulation.

Default: extrapolate

extrapolation <boolean-value>

This is retained for compatibility with old input files. A value of ‘true’ is the same as ‘at_end_of_path extrapolate’, while a value of ‘false’ is the same as ‘at_end_of_path stop’.

Data Format Commands

These commands define the format of the data contained within the TSPI file. For example, when using a TSPI file that is compatible with BLUEMAX the following commands should be specified:

altitude in feet
roll inverted
time_in <time-unit>

Specify that the units of the <time> values in the TSPI data file are in units <time-units>

Default: seconds

altitude_in <length-units>

Specify that the units of the <altitude> values in the TSPI data file are in units <length-units>.

Default: meters

speed_in <speed-units>

Specify that the units of the <speed> values in the TSPI data file are in units <speed-units>.

Default: meters/second

heading_in <angle-unit>
pitch_in <angle-unit>
roll_in <angle-unit>

Specify that the units of the <heading>, <pitch>, or <roll> values in the TSPI data file are in units <angular-units>.

Default: radians


Specify that the given value name in the TSPI data file is to be inverted (i.e., the values are negated).

Default: Not negated


The relocate_and_rotate … end_relocate_and_rotate block is a means to move a trajectory from one locale to another, including a change in orientation. Two keywords will move a TSPI trajectory from one (latitude, longitude) to another (latitude, longitude), either: A) initial_endpoint_anchor <lat> <lon>, or B) terminal_endpoint_anchor <lat> <lon>. After the path is relocated, it can them be re-oriented. To do so, use either A) great_circle_heading_at_anchor_point <angle-value>, or B) align_to_great_circle_through <lat> <lon>. In the later case, the <lat> <lon> value must be different than the anchor point. Note that due to the spherical geometry calculations used, and the ellipsoidal earth, the path translation process will be approximate. Also note that the initial or terminal heading value to be specified is along a great circle arc between initial and final trajectory points, not necessarily the true heading being flown at the beginning or end of trajectory.