
Initial Words

Extension Words

Continuation Words





Message Methods

WsfTadilJ15_0E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word.Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ15_0E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ15_0C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ15_0C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

Field Accessors

int Addressee()
void Addressee(int)

Get or set the value of the Addressee field.

int ThreatPosture()
void ThreatPosture(int)

Get or set the value of the ThreatPosture field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int TrackStrength()
void TrackStrength(int)

Get or set the value of the TrackStrength field.

bool IsExerciseTrack()
void IsExerciseTrack(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrack field.

int ThreatType()
void ThreatType(int)

Get or set the value of the ThreatType field.

int WeaponType()
void WeaponType(int)

Get or set the value of the WeaponType field.


Field Accessors

double Latitude()
void Latitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.


Field Accessors

double Course()
void Course(double)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.

double Altitude()
void Altitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Altitude field. Units are Meters.

int ThreatFuel()
void ThreatFuel(int)

Get or set the value of the ThreatFuel field.

int SpecificType()
void SpecificType(int)

Get or set the value of the SpecificType field.

int Environment()
void Environment(int)

Get or set the value of the Environment field.