Script Classes: WsfBMDisseminateC2

processor <name> WSF_DISSEMINATE_C2

   routing_style [next_unit|next_c2|direct]

      track_updates         [peer|commander|dynamic|none]
      assign_track_updates  [peer|commander|dynamic|none]
      assignments           [peer|commander|dynamic|none]
      assignment_status     [peer|commander|dynamic|none]
      assignment_cancel     [peer|commander|dynamic|none]
      sensor_cue            [peer|commander|dynamic|none]
      status                [peer|commander|dynamic|none]


WSF_DISSEMINATE_C2 is a script base class for the HELIOS-based C^2 dissemination models to inherit from. It is not meant to be used as a processor in it’s own right, instead, disseminate C^2 models use it to provide common scripting functionality found in all dissemination processors.

Script Interface

:model::WSF_DISSEMINATE_C2 utilizes capabilities of the :ref:`Common_Script_Interface and WSF_SCRIPT_PROCESSOR.

Disseminate C2 Commands

routing_style [next_unit | next_c2 | direct]

Message routing style for determining next hop within the IADS network.

next_unit: Messages will be sent to the next unit on the way to their destination.

next_c2: Messages will be sent to the next unit that has been designated as C^2 capable on the way to their destination. note: C^2 capable is generally set at IADS-initialization time and will be true for any assets initialized in the battle manager that have had the WsfBMAssetRecord.SetC2Capable call invoked on the WsfBMAssetRecord.

direct: Messages will be sent directly to the message destination.

Default: next_c2

Routing Table Commands

Block for defining the HELIOS C^2 Dissemination message routing table. All values may have one of the following values: [peer | commander | dynamic | none]. * peer: Will send the messages to peers of this asset. * commander: Will send the messages to the commander of this asset. * dynamic: Will send the messages on the route to the message destination (for directed messages like assignments and assignment statuses).

track_updates [peer | commander | dynamic | none]

This command sets the routing for track messages.

Note: Track message handling in AFSIM is generally handled by the track processing systems and not the battle manager components.

Default: none

assign_track_updates [peer | commander | dynamic | none]

This command sets the routing for assignment tracks.

Note: This is a directed message so will generally be set to ‘dynamic’.

Default: dynamic

assignments [peer | commander | dynamic | none]

This command sets the routing for assignments.

Note: This is a directed message so will generally be set to ‘dynamic’.

Default: dynamic

assignment_status [peer | commander | dynamic | none]

This command sets the routing for assignment statuses.

Note: This is a directed message so will generally be set to ‘dynamic’.

Default: dynamic

assignment_cancel [peer | commander | dynamic | none]

This command sets the routing for assignment cancellations.

Note: This is a directed message so will generally be set to ‘dynamic’.

Default: dynamic

sensor_cue [peer | commander | dynamic | none]

This command sets the routing for sensor cues.

Note: This is a directed message so will generally be set to ‘dynamic’.

Default: dynamic

status [peer | commander | dynamic | none]

This command sets the routing for asset statuses.

Note: This will generally be set to ‘commander’.

Default: none

Disseminate C2 Example

   # Routing values allowed are subordinate, peer, commander, dynamic, none. multiple entries can exist
   # for a given type of message.
   track_updates          none
   assign_track_updates   dynamic
   assignments            dynamic
   assignment_status      dynamic
   assignment_cancel      dynamic
   sensor_cue             dynamic
   status                 commander