

Navigation: Script Types

Derives From: WsfProcessor, WsfPlatformPart, WsfObject


WsfBMDisseminateC2 is the script interface for invoking methods on the IADS C2 disseminate C^2 base class. This class provides common interfaces that all IADS C2 dissemination processors derive.


void SetAssetManager(WSF_BATTLE_MANAGER battle_manager)

Couples the asset manager to the dissemination processor responsible for handling outgoing messages for the processor. Required Initialization

Note: Sets asset manager reference to the asset manager referenced by the battle manager.

void Run()

Runs the dissemination processors main message retrieval loop for pulling messages from the battle manager.

void ClearOutgoingMessages()

Clears messages retrieved from the last call to Run() and that have not been pulled with a variant of the GetOutgoingMessages* interface.

Array<WsfBMAssignmentMessage> GetOutgoingAssignmentMessages()

Retrieves outgoing assignment messages with proper heading information based on the Dissemination C^2 routing settings. These messages will then need to be sent by the dissemination processor within AFSIM script.

Array<WsfBMAssignmentStatusMessage> GetOutgoingAssignmentStatusMessages()

Retrieves outgoing assignment status messages with proper heading information based on the Dissemination C^2 routing settings. These messages will then need to be sent by the dissemination processor within AFSIM script.

Array<WsfBMStatusMessage> GetOutgoingStatusMessages()

Retrieves outgoing status messages with proper heading information based on the Dissemination C^2 routing settings. These messages will then need to be sent by the dissemination processor within AFSIM script.

Array<WsfBMTrackMessage> GetOutgoingTrackMessages()

Retrieves outgoing track messages with proper heading information based on the Dissemination C^2 routing settings. These messages will then need to be sent by the dissemination processor within AFSIM script.