Antenna Commands



This section is just a reference for the various commands.


Antenna commands are valid for anything that uses an electromagnetic antenna, including transmitter, receiver, and radar beams.


When the range and altitude limits are used in multiple places, such as on both transmitter and receiver, then precedence is given to the last entry that is read.


antenna_height <length-value>

Defines the subsystem’s height relative to the platform it is attached to.

antenna_pitch <angle-value>
antenna_tilt <angle-value>

Defines the subsystem’s orientation in the pitch plane relative to the platform. This is primarily intended to specify the tilt angle of antenna for simple rotating systems.


This command must not be used for multi-beam radars (e.g., A WSF_RADAR_SENSOR in which multiple beams are defined). In those cases the beam_tilt command in the beam_tilt and beam_tilt blocks should be used.


The pitch command should be used to specify the tilt of fixed mount systems, however fighter AESA systems should use this command if they are going to employ scan stabilization.


This command must not be used if the :command`_.articulated_part.pitch` is used.

minimum_altitude <length-value>

Defines the minimum relative altitude the subsystem is able to observe a target.

Default negative infinity


This value is only used for initial screening to determine if the subsystem can potentially interact with another object.


If the altitude limit is intended to be below an antenna, then the limit should be entered as a negative number.

maximum_altitude <length-value>

Defines the maximum relative altitude the subsystem is able to observe a target.

Default infinity


This value is only used for initial screening to determine if the subsystem can potentially interact with another object.


If the altitude limit is intended to be below an antenna, then the limit should be entered as a negative number.

minimum_range <length-value>

Specify the minimum range at which the system can interact with another object.

Default 0.0


This value is only used for initial screening to determine if the subsystem can potentially interact with another object.

maximum_range <length-value>

Specifies the maximum range at which the subsystem can interact with another object.

Default infinity


This value is only used for initial screening to determine if the subsystem can potentially interact with another object.

electronic_beam_steering [ none | azimuth | elevation | both | azimuth_and_elevation ]

Specifies that the subsystem uses an electronically-steered antenna that is capable of being electronically steered in the specified directions. When specified, the antenna gain is a function of the cosine of the angle relative to the array center. When enabled, the command affects the returned beamwidths of azimuth_beamwidth and elevation_beamwidth.

  • none - The beam is not electronically steered.

  • azimuth - The beam is electronically steered in azimuth.

  • elevation - The beam is electronically steered in elevation.

  • both or azimuth_and_elevation - The beam is electronically steered in both azimuth and elevation.

Default none

electronic_beam_steering_loss_exponent <value>

Specifies the exponent that will be used in the beam steering loss computation.

electronic_beam_steering_limit <angle-value>

Specifies the angular limit that the electronic_beam_steering_loss_exponent will be applied.

scan_mode [ fixed | azimuth | elevation | both | azimuth_and_elevation]

Indicates how the subsystem scans in respect to the current cue:

  • fixed - The subsystem does not move. This is the default.

  • azimuth - The subsystem scans only in azimuth.

  • elevation - The subsystem scans only in elevation.

  • both or azimuth_and_elevation - The subsystem scans in both azimuth and elevation.

Default fixed

scan_stabilization [ none | pitch | roll | pitch_and_roll ]

Specify if the scan volume (defined by the azimuth_scan_limits and elevation_scan_limits) are ‘stabilized’ to counter the effects of platform pitch and roll.

Default none

azimuth_scan_limits <angle-value> <angle-value>

Specify the minimum and maximum angle about which the subsystem can scan in azimuth. These values are applicable only if scan_mode is azimuth or both. The limits are with respect to the current cue.

Default -180.0 degrees to 180 degrees

elevation_scan_limits <angle-value> <angle-value>

Specify the minimum and maximum angle about which the subsystem can be scan in elevation. These values are applicable only if scan_mode is elevation or both. The limits are with respect to the current cue.

Default -90.0 degrees to 90 degrees

azimuth_field_of_view <angle-value> <angle-value>

Specify the minimum and maximum angle about which the subsystem can see in azimuth. The limits are with respect to the current cue. In general these values should be greater than or equal to the azimuth_scan_limits (possibly accounting for the width of the beam when the subsystem is positioned to its scan limit).

Default -180.0 degrees to 180 degrees


If scan_stabilization is enabled, the ‘field of view’ volume will be stabilized in the same way the scan volume is stabilized.


These values are used only for initial screening to determine if the object can potentially interact with another object.

elevation_field_of_view <angle-value> <angle-value>

Specifies the minimum and maximum angle about which the subsystem can see in elevation. The limits are with respect to the current cue. In general these values should be greater than or equal to the elevation_scan_limits (possibly accounting for the width of the beam when the subsystem is positioned to its scan limit).

Default -90.0 degrees to 90 degrees


If scan_stabilization is enabled, the ‘field of view’ volume will be stabilized in the same way the scan volume is stabilized.


These values are used only for initial screening to determine if the subsystem can potentially interact with another object.

field_of_view … end_field_of_view

Specifies geometrical limits to determine if a subsystem can potentially interact with another object. Field of views are valid for anything that uses an electromagnetic antenna, including transmitter, receiver, and radar beams.

field_of_view <field-of-view-type>
   ... Type Commands ...

<field-of-view-type> specify the types of field of views defined and their associated commands. Available types are:


If scan_stabilization is enabled, the ‘field of view’ volume will be stabilized in the same way the scan volume is stabilized.


A rectangular field of view is provided by default. It can then be configured directly using the azimuth_field_of_view and elevation_field_of_view keywords.