Warlock 2.2.0 - 2 Nov 2017


  • This is the Warlock Beta Release.

  • Platform Option dialog which allows user to toggle interaction lines and other attachments shown on the map.

  • Basic Weapon Browser that enables the user to fire a weapon at a local track.

  • Team Visibility preferences page to control which teams are shown and their color.

  • Tracks are now displayed on the map and can be controlled through the Team Visibility page.

  • Route Browser that allow viewing of route defined in the scenario along with the current route on the selected platform. A user can define new routes or edit exist routes.

Known Issues

  • None noted.


  • None noted.


  • New Start Dialog that appears when launching Warlock without command line arguments.

  • Platforms can now have wing ribbons displayed on them.

  • Various visual effects have been added such as explosions, contrails, and smoke.

  • Built-in video caption and screenshot capability.

  • Measure tool which allows a user to get the distance between two locations or platforms.

  • Basic Network Browser that will display DIS and XIO connection info.

  • Ability to import a configuration file and select which sections of the config file you want to import.

  • About dialog which displays version information, artwork attributions and 3rd party licences.

  • Documentation dialog which has links to the Warlock documentation.

  • Demo Mode which allows a user to set options in support of Tech Show atmosphere where Warlock would be running as a background display.

  • Command line support for loading a scenario, locking the visible side, and locking the ability to load different scenarios.

  • New Preference Options:
    • Change colors for interaction lines

    • Configure the HUD when controlling P6Dof platforms

    • Configure Wing Ribbons and Tracelines

    • Option to start the simulation paused

    • Ability to toggle which visual effects are shown


  • None noted.