WSF 2.0.1 - 31 Aug 2016


  • (Issue #4) (MANTIS #112) Fixed an issue where the scripting methods that derive from certain classes were not properly picking up derived scripting methods properly. Issue was present in code due to the UT_DEFINE_SCRIPT_METHOD_EXT adding the scripting method on the base class only and not propagating to other script classes that derive from the base class.

  • (Issue #6) Fixed an issue with the TurnToRelativeHeading method not calculating the relative heading correctly.

  • (Issue #7) (MANTIS #104) Updated the csv_event_output to properly output asset messages in the proper output files.

  • (Issue #8) (MANTIS #100) Fixed bug in script method WsfPlatform.GroupMemberOf(WsfGroup) and added the method to the auto test for groups. Also fixed errors in IDE grammar file for defining and referencing groups.

  • (Issue #11) Fixed a bug with the mapping of land_cover to terrain types used in Billingsley/SALRAM tables for clutter backscatter coefficient look-ups. Land covers “rangeland herbaceous” and “rangeland shrub” had mappings to corresponding low-relief and high-relief terrains reversed.

  • (Issue #14) Fixed an issue with the guided mover is not checking whether a waypoint has been passed correctly when in route following mode and the route changes. Also the show_commands is not documented and defaults to on.

  • (Issue #16) Fixed an issue where the WSF_QUANTUM_TASKER_PROCESSOR was not finding an existing assigned task. Results in warning being issued unnecessarily.

  • (Issue #22) (MANTIS #80) Fixed an issue where an air mover is given a route as an orbit (a series of waypoints that loop with ‘label’ and ‘goto’), but none of the points are reachable, sage enters an infinite loop with no warning to user.

  • (Issue #26) (MANTIS #120) Fixed an issue where a missile detonation would cause a segmentation fault for frame-stepped simulations.

  • (Issue #28) (MANTIS #81) Fixed an issue where a weapon fuse was not detonating at the correct altitude when running in realtime event-stepped mode.

  • (Issue #32) (MANTIS #124) Fixed an issue with recent changes to the BTREE_NODE_CHILDREN event causing problems with the GRIT tool.

  • (Issue #40) Fixed an issue where the default behavior for the WSF_SAR_SENSOR was ‘on’ instead of ‘off’ after the 2.0 release.


  • (Issue #15) Added Density, Pressure, Temperature, and SonicVelocity script methods to Atmosphere script object.

Developer Items

  • (Issue #5)

  • (Issue #9) (MANTIS #117) Fixed issue in wsf_mil project where csv_event_output was not being specified as an extension dependency so the extensions are not initialized in the correct order.

  • (Issue #10) (MANTIS #118) Added enforcement in WsfApplication to prevent more than one instance from existing at a given time.

  • (Issue #18) Added a custom visualization for UtStringId/WsfStringId when debugging with Visual Studio to display the string from UtDictionary, in addition to the integer ID. The natvis file will be optionally added to the util project using CMake when using MSVC 14 (2015). Earlier versions of Visual Studio require the file to be manually copied to a certain location.

  • (Issue #28) Added -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE in CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS to support Ubuntu compilation.

  • (Issue #39) Fixed some compiling issues with use of tr1 libraries in the util and Brawler projects for RHEL 5,6 & 7.