LocalTrack Events

These are the event_output events related to the WsfLocalTrack.


event_output Signature:

<time> <event> <platform-name> Local_TrackId: <local-track-id> NonLocal_TrackId: <non-local-track-id>

Signature Elements:




The current simulation time


The event name


Platform that owns local track


ID of local track


Non-local track associated with local track Track manager generates this association


event_output Signature:

<time> <event> <platform-name> Local_TrackId: <local-track-id> NonLocal_TrackId: <non-local-track-id>

Signature Elements:




The current simulation time


The event name


Platform that owns local track


ID of local track


Non-local track associated with local track Track manager generates this association


event_output Signature:

<time> <event> <platform-name> <target-name> TrackId: <track-id>

Signature Elements:




The current simulation time


Event recorded in this message


Platform dropping the track


If target name is empty, track id is printed using format “(track id)”


Track being dropped


event_output Signature:

<time> <event> <platform-name> {UNKNOWN | target name | "(" track id ")"} " TrackId: " <track-id> Start_Time: <timestart> Update_Time: <timeupdate> Update_Count: <countupdate> Quality: <trackquality> Domain: <domainspatial> Type: <flagtype><flagcandidate><flagfalse target>
{ Target_Truth: Name: <platformname> Type: <platformtype> Side: <platformside> }
Originator: { <locationLLA> | <locationeci> }
{ Track: { <locationLLA> | <locationeci> } Flags: { <flagLV > }{ <flag3D> }{ <flagRV> }{ <flagBV> }{ <flagEV> } }
{ Truth: { <locationLLA> | <locationeci> } Difference: <|r|perceived - actual> }
{ { Track: Vel: <|v|perceived> m/s Hdg: <hdgperceived> deg } { Truth: Vel: <|v|actual> m/s Hdg: <hdgactual> deg } }
{ Track: { Range: <rangeperceived> m } { Bearing: <brgperceived> deg } { Elevation: <elperceived> deg } }
{ { Truth: Range: <rangeactual> m } { Bearing: <brgactual> deg } { Elevation: <elactual> deg } }
{ Measurement_Error_Sigma: { Range: <SErange> m } { Bearing: <SEbrg>> deg } { Elevation: <SEel> deg } }
{ Type_IDs: [{ <typeid> (<typequality>) }] | Type_ID: <typeid> } { Side_ID: <sideid> } { Signal-To-Noise: <log(S/N)> } { Pixel_Count: <pixel-count> }
{ Frequency: [{ (<flower> <fupper>) }] }
{ Aux_Data: <aux-data> }
{ Measurement_Covariance: Major Axis: <major-axis> m Minor Axis: <minor-axis> m Bearing: <brg> deg \ }
{ State_Covariance: Major Axis: <major-axis> m Minor Axis: <minor-axis> m Bearing: <brg> deg }
{ Residual_Covariance: Major Axis: <major-axis> m Minor Axis: <minor-axis> m Bearing: <brg> deg }

Signature Elements:

This section is incomplete.


event_output Signature:

<time> <event> <platform-name> {UNKNOWN | target name | "(" track id ")"} " TrackId: " <track-id> Start_Time: <timestart> Update_Time: <timeupdate> Update_Count: <countupdate> Quality: <trackquality> Domain: <domainspatial> Type: <flagtype><flagcandidate><flagfalse target>
{ Target_Truth: Name: <platformname> Type: <platformtype> Side: <platformside> }
Originator: { <locationLLA> | <locationeci> }
{ Track: { <locationLLA> | <locationeci> } Flags: { <flagLV > }{ <flag3D> }{ <flagRV> }{ <flagBV> }{ <flagEV> } }
{ Truth: { <locationLLA> | <locationeci> } Difference: <|r|perceived - actual> }
{ { Track: Vel: <|v|perceived> m/s Hdg: <hdgperceived> deg } { Truth: Vel: <|v|actual> m/s Hdg: <hdgactual> deg } }
{ Track: { Range: <rangeperceived> m } { Bearing: <brgperceived> deg } { Elevation: <elperceived> deg } }
{ { Truth: Range: <rangeactual> m } { Bearing: <brgactual> deg } { Elevation: <elactual> deg } }
{ Measurement_Error_Sigma: { Range: <SErange> m } { Bearing: <SEbrg>> deg } { Elevation: <SEel> deg } }
{ Type_IDs: [{ <typeid> (<typequality>) }] | Type_ID: <typeid> } { Side_ID: <sideid> } { Signal-To-Noise: <log(S/N)> } { Pixel_Count: <pixel-count> }
{ Frequency: [{ (<flower> <fupper>) }] }
{ Aux_Data: <aux-data> }
{ Measurement_Covariance: Major Axis: <major-axis> m Minor Axis: <minor-axis> m Bearing: <brg> deg \ }
{ State_Covariance: Major Axis: <major-axis> m Minor Axis: <minor-axis> m Bearing: <brg> deg }
{ Residual_Covariance: Major Axis: <major-axis> m Minor Axis: <minor-axis> m Bearing: <brg> deg }

Signature Elements:

This section is incomplete.