
WsfLocalTrack inherits WsfTrack

Construction: WsfLocalTrack newObj = WsfLocalTrack();
Clone: WsfLocalTrack newObj = WsfLocalTrack(other);

WsfLocalTrack represents a platforms local perception of an object, and is the combination of one or more contributing WsfTrack objects. The contributing tracks are sometimes called ‘raw’ tracks and represent the products of a sensor or some other platform.


int RawTrackCount()

Return the number tracks that are contributing to this track. Contributing tracks are also called “raw’ tracks.

WsfTrackId RawTrackId(int aTrackIndex)

Return the selected track ID from the list of contributing tracks, where 0 <= aTrackIndex < RawTrackCount().

WsfTrack RawTrack(int aTrackIndex)

Return the selected track from the list of contributing tracks, where 0 <= aTrackIndex < RawTrackCount().

Auxiliary Data Methods

Auxiliary Data is a collection of optional named user data attributes that can be stored with the object. The framework will maintain the attributes but in no other way attempts to use the data contained within. The definition and use of any attribute is defined purely by the user.

bool AuxDataBool(string aName)
int AuxDataInt(string aName)
double AuxDataDouble(string aName)
string AuxDataString(string aName)
Object AuxDataObject(string aName)

Retrieve the value of the auxiliary data attribute with the indicated name. If the attribute does not exist then a default value will be returned (false for bool, 0 for int and 0.0 for double).

bool AuxDataExists(string aName)
bool CheckAuxData(string aName)

Returns true if an auxiliary data member exists with the specified name.

bool HasAuxData()

Returns true if the object has auxiliary data.

bool DeleteAuxData(string aName)

Delete the auxiliary data attribute with the indicated name. Returns true if the attribute exists and was deleted, or false if the attribute did not exist.

void SetAuxData(string aName, bool aValue)
void SetAuxData(string aName, int aValue)
void SetAuxData(string aName, double aValue)
void SetAuxData(string aName, string aValue)
void SetAuxData(string aName, Object aValue)

Set the value of the auxiliary data attribute with the indicated name. The last form of SetAuxData() can store any script object type.

Map<string, string> GetAllAuxDataTypes()

Return the names and types of all auxiliary data attributes in the form of a Map<string,string>. Map keys are valid names of auxiliary data attributes. Map values are type names corresponding to valid auxiliary data attribute names.

Contributor Methods

bool ContributorOf(WsfPlatform aPlatform)
bool ContributorOf(WsfPlatform aPlatform, WsfSensor aSensor)

Returns ‘true’ if raw tracks from a given platform are contributing to this local track. All sensors are considered unless a given sensor is supplied.

bool SensorTypeContributor(string aSensorType)

Returns ‘true’ if raw tracks from a given sensor type are contributing to this local track.

int NumContributors()

Returns the number of platforms contributing to this local track.

Array<WsfTrack> RawTracksFrom(WsfPlatform aPlatform)

Returns the list of raw tracks contributed from aPlatform.

WsfTrack RawTrackFromSensorName(WsfPlatform aPlatform, string aSensorName)

Returns a track contributing to this local track detected by aPlatform’s sensor with aSensorName. Returns null if no track was found.

WsfTrack RawTrackFromSensorType(WsfPlatform aPlatform, string aSensorType)

Returns a track contributing to this local track detected by aPlatform’s sensor with type aSensorType. Returns null if no track was found. If multiple raw tracks fit this criteria, the most recent track is returned. aSensorType must be the sensor’s direct type, as in:

 sensor sensor-name <u>sensor-type</u>