

Clone: WsfTrackId newObj = WsfTrackId(other);

WsfTrackId objects are used to identify tracks as defined by WsfTrack and WsfLocalTrack


string Name()

Returns the name of the owning platform as a string.

int Number()

Returns the track number of the track on the owning platform.

bool IsNull()

Returns ‘true’ if the owning platform name has not been assigned. Calling WsfTrackId() returns a null track ID.

string ToString()

Returns a string representation of the track ID in the form <name>:<number>.

static WsfTrackId Construct(string aName, int aNumber)

Returns a track ID with the supplied owning platform name and track number.


Use with great caution as track Id’s are typically generated internally.

void Null()

Clears the name and number in the track ID. This is equivalent to calling SetName_(“”) and SetNumber_(0).

void SetName(string aName)

Sets the name of the owning platform.


Use with great caution as track Id’s are typically generated internally.

void SetNumber(int aNumber)

Sets the track number of the track on the owning platform.


Use with great caution as track Id’s are typically generated internally.