


WsfTrackList is a container of references to WsfTrack objects. A list of local tracks is typically retrieved as follows:

WsfTrackList tl = PLATFORM.MasterRawTrackList();

In addition to the methods described below, the container may be processed using the foreach script language statement as follows:

WsfTrackList trackList = <a method that returns a WsfTrackList>;
foreach (WsfTrack t in trackList)
   # ...Code to process the WsfTrack object referenced through the variable 't'...


int Count()
int Size()

Return the number of entries in the list.

bool Empty()

Returns true if the list is empty.


This is faster than checking for Count() != 0.

WsfTrack Entry(int aIndex)
WsfTrack Get(int aIndex)

Return the entry at the given index. The index must be in the range [ 0 .. Count()-1 ]


The Get method allows the entries to be accessed via array indexing: e.g:

WsfTrack t = trackList[i];
WsfTrack Find(WsfTrackId aTrackId)

Find the entry with specified track ID. Using the IsValid() method on the return value will return false if the requested entry could not be found.

Iterator WsfTrackListIterator GetIterator()

Return an iterator that points to the beginning of the list. This is used by the script language to support the foreach command but may also be used directly.