Platform Events

These are the event_output events related to the platform.


event_output Signature:

<time> <event> <platform-name> <comment>

Signature Elements:






The current simulation time


The event name


Platform that generated comment


Text string generated


event_output Signature:

<time> <event> <platform>

Signature Elements:




The current simulation time


The event name


Name of platform that crashed into ground


event_output Signature:

<time> <event> <platform> <callback-name>

Signature Elements:




The current simulation time


The event name


Subject platform name


Name of callback being invoked. Simulation participants can subscribe to callback objects to receive notification of significant events within the simulation


event_output Signature:

<time> <event> <platform> Type: <type> Side: <side>  LLA: <lat> <lon> <alt> m Heading: <heading> deg Pitch: <pitch> deg Roll: <roll> deg  Speed: <speed> m/s * [ <uvn> <uve> <uvd> ] Acceleration: <accel> m/s2 * [ <uan> <uae> <uad> ]

Signature Elements:




The current simulation time


The event name


The name of platform omitted


The type of the platform


The team or affiliation of team

<lat> <lon> <alt>

The platform location; altitude is always in meters


The heading of platform (degrees clockwise from north)


The pitch angle of the platform in degrees


The roll angle of the platform in degrees


The speed of platform in meters/second

<u(vn, ve, vd)>

The components of the unit velocity vector in the north-east-down (NED) frame


The acceleration of platform in meters/second^2

<u(an, ae, ad)>

The components of the unit acceleration vector in the north-east-down (NED) frame


event_output Signature:

<time> <event> <platform> Item: <item-type> Value: <value>

Signature Elements:




The current simulation time


The event name


Name of platform whose appearance has changed


The item that was changed


The new value of the item


event_output Signature:

<time> <event> <platform> Type: <type> Side: <side> Ps: <ps>  LLA: <lat> <lon> <alt> m Heading: <heading> deg Pitch: <pitch> deg Roll: <roll> deg  Speed: <speed> m/s * [ <uvn> <uve> <uvd> ] Acceleration: <accel> m/s2 * [ <uan> <uae> <uad> ]

Signature Elements:




The current simulation time


The event name


The name of platform omitted


The type of the platform


The team or affiliation of team


The probability of survival of the platform in the range [0, 1]

<lat> <lon> <alt>

The platform location; altitude is always in meters


The heading of platform (degrees clockwise from north)


The pitch angle of the platform in degrees


The roll angle of the platform in degrees


The speed of platform in meters/second

<u(vn, ve, vd)>

The components of the unit velocity vector in the north-east-down (NED) frame


The acceleration of platform in meters/second^2

<u(an, ae, ad)>

The components of the unit acceleration vector in the north-east-down (NED) frame


event_output Signature:

<time> <event> <platform> <item-type> <toggle>

Signature Elements:




The current simulation time


The event name


Name of platform whose capability has changed


The capability that has changed


The switch status


The <item-type> is enumerated as: SUPPLY_PAYLOAD, SUPPLY_FUEL, VEHICLE_RECOVERY, VEHICLE_REPAIR, or SUPPLY_ADS_B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast).

The <toggle> is enumerated as: GAINED, or LOST.


event_output Signature:

<time> <event> <platform> Type: <type> Side: <side> Ps: <ps>  LLA: <lat> <lon> <alt> m Heading: <heading> deg Pitch: <pitch> deg Roll: <roll> deg  Speed: <speed> m/s * [ <uvn> <uve> <uvd> ] Acceleration: <accel> m/s2 * [ <uan> <uae> <uad> ]

Signature Elements:




The current simulation time


The event name


The name of platform omitted


The type of the platform


The team or affiliation of team


The probability of survival of the platform in the range [0, 1]

<lat> <lon> <alt>

The platform location; altitude is always in meters


The heading of platform (degrees clockwise from north)


The pitch angle of the platform in degrees


The roll angle of the platform in degrees


The speed of platform in meters/second

<u(vn, ve, vd)>

The components of the unit velocity vector in the north-east-down (NED) frame


The acceleration of platform in meters/second^2

<u(an, ae, ad)>

The components of the unit acceleration vector in the north-east-down (NED) frame


event_output Signature:

<time> <event> <platform> Type: <type> Side: <side> Ps: <ps>  LLA: <lat> <lon> <alt> m Heading: <heading> deg Pitch: <pitch> deg Roll: <roll> deg  Speed: <speed> m/s * [ <uvn> <uve> <uvd> ] Acceleration: <accel> m/s2 * [ <uan> <uae> <uad> ]

Signature Elements:




The current simulation time


The event name


The name of platform omitted


The type of the platform


The team or affiliation of team


The probability of survival of the platform in the range [0, 1]

<lat> <lon> <alt>

The platform location; altitude is always in meters


The heading of platform (degrees clockwise from north)


The pitch angle of the platform in degrees


The roll angle of the platform in degrees


The speed of platform in meters/second

<u(vn, ve, vd)>

The components of the unit velocity vector in the north-east-down (NED) frame


The acceleration of platform in meters/second^2

<u(an, ae, ad)>

The components of the unit acceleration vector in the north-east-down (NED) frame


event_output Signature:

<time> <event> <platform> Type: <type> Side: <side>  LLA: <lat> <lon> <alt> m Heading: <heading> deg Pitch: <pitch> deg Roll: <roll> deg  Speed: <speed> m/s * [ <uvn> <uve> <uvd> ] Acceleration: <accel> m/s2 * [ <uan> <uae> <uad> ]

Signature Elements:




The current simulation time


The event name


The name of platform omitted


The type of the platform


The team or affiliation of team

<lat> <lon> <alt>

The platform location; altitude is always in meters


The heading of platform (degrees clockwise from north)


The pitch angle of the platform in degrees


The roll angle of the platform in degrees


The speed of platform in meters/second

<u(vn, ve, vd)>

The components of the unit velocity vector in the north-east-down (NED) frame


The acceleration of platform in meters/second^2

<u(an, ae, ad)>

The components of the unit acceleration vector in the north-east-down (NED) frame


This event has not been documented yet.