Task Events

These are the event_output events related to the WSF_TASK_PROCESSOR (and WsfTaskManager).


event_output Signature:

<time> <event> <assignee> <target> <assigner> Task_Type: <type>
 Resource: <name> TrackId: <id>
If track is Valid:
Start_Time: <timestart> Update_Time: <timeupdate> Update_Count: <countupdate> Quality: <trackquality> Domain: <domainspatial> Type: <flagtype><flagcandidate><flagfalse target>
{ Target_Truth: Name: <platformname> Type: <platformtype> Side: <platformside> }
Originator: { <locationLLA> | <locationeci> }
{ Track: { <locationLLA> | <locationeci> } Flags: { <flagLV > }{ <flag3D> }{ <flagRV> }{ <flagBV> }{ <flagEV> } }
{ Truth: { <locationLLA> | <locationeci> } Difference: <|r|perceived - actual> }
{ { Track: Vel: <|v|perceived> m/s Hdg: <hdgperceived> deg } { Truth: Vel: <|v|actual> m/s Hdg: <hdgactual> deg } }
{ Track: { Range: <rangeperceived> m } { Bearing: <brgperceived> deg } { Elevation: <elperceived> deg } }
{ { Truth: Range: <rangeactual> m } { Bearing: <brgactual> deg } { Elevation: <elactual> deg } }
{ Measurement_Error_Sigma: { Range: <SErange> m } { Bearing: <SEbrg>> deg } { Elevation: <SEel> deg } }
{ Type_IDs: [{ <typeid> (<typequality>) }] | Type_ID: <typeid> } { Side_ID: <sideid> } { Signal-To-Noise: <log(S/N)> } { Pixel_Count: <pixel-count> }
{ Frequency: [{ (<flower> <fupper>) }] }
{ Aux_Data: <aux-data> }
{ Measurement_Covariance: Major Axis: <major-axis> m Minor Axis: <minor-axis> m Bearing: <brg> deg \ }
{ State_Covariance: Major Axis: <major-axis> m Minor Axis: <minor-axis> m Bearing: <brg> deg }
{ Residual_Covariance: Major Axis: <major-axis> m Minor Axis: <minor-axis> m Bearing: <brg> deg }

If Assignee platform is Valid:
Assignee->Target_Range: <range> m True_Bearing: <bearing> deg

Signature Elements:




The current simulation time


The event name


Name of platform that will perform task


Name of target


Name of platform assigning task


Type of task that assignee will perform


Resource consumed by task


Id of track along which task will take place

If Assignee platform is Valid include:




Range to platform


Bearing to platform


event_output Signature:

<time> <event> <platform>  <target-name> <assigner> Task_Type: <task-type>
 Resource: <name> TrackId: <id> Time_Assigned: <time> Time_Updated: <time>

Signature Elements:




The current simulation time


The event name


Assignee platform name


Name of target assigned to task


Name of platform that assigned task


Type of task that is to be canceled or completed


Name of resource consumed by task


Track id used by task


Time at which task is to be canceled or was completed


Time at which task was last updated


event_output Signature:

<time> <event> <platform>  <target-name> <assigner> Task_Type: <task-type>
 Resource: <name> TrackId: <id> Time_Assigned: <time> Time_Updated: <time>

Signature Elements:




The current simulation time


The event name


Assignee platform name


Name of target assigned to task


Name of platform that assigned task


Type of task that is to be canceled or completed


Name of resource consumed by task


Track id used by task


Time at which task is to be canceled or was completed


Time at which task was last updated