
WsfTaskManager inherits WsfProcessor


WsfTaskManager is a processor that provides functions to manage tasks. Tasks represent a request to a resource (i.e., a processor, sensor or weapon) to perform some ‘work.’ The resource may exist on the initiating platform or on another platform (resources will be discussed more in the section Resource Types).

There are several categories of functions involved in managing tasks:

  • Assignment functions - issued by the assigning task manager to start or update a task.

  • Control functions - issued by the assigning task manager to cancel a task.

  • Status reporting functions - issued by the assigned resource indicating it has completed the assignment.

  • Query functions - issued by either the assigning task manager, or by the assignee (if the assigned resource was a processor.)


Methods involving external assignment, control, or query of a task attempt to find a sending comm (when not specified) and a receiving comm within the same network with assumed connectivity. In legacy use cases of AFSIM, network membership implied connectivity - this is no longer a supported assumption. In some cases, and depending on user configuration, such selected comm devices may not actually have connectivity and fail the assignment of the task due to communication failure. Updates to the communications framework have not been fully integrated with tasking to minimize interface changes and maintain backward compatibility until a future release of AFSIM where such changes are expected and acceptable. Until such changes have been implemented, users may need to modify the communications laydown to ensure the correct selection of communication devices in regard to tasking, which can be accomplished in a myriad of ways: e.g., using a dedicated communications network for tasking, or the user checking for communications viability prior to selection of an appropriate tasking method.

Resource Names

The functions to perform the above depend on the type of resource involved and are summarized in the following table. Note that some resources have multiple functions that can be used.







By assigner


By assignee





By assigner

Same as Processor Methods

Same as Processor Methods

Same as Processor Methods


By assignee




Resource Types

As mentioned in the introduction, task assignments involve the concept of a resource, which represents the processor, sensor, or weapon object involved in the task assignment. Depending on the command used to assign the task, the name of the resource is:

When any of the CancelTask, TaskComplete or TasksAssignedTo methods is called that has the aResourceName argument, the value of aResourceName must match the value specified in the associated AssignTask, FireAt, StartTracking or StartJamming. In most common use this is not a problem for weapon and sensors because they are generally canceled with the methods specific to the resource type (StopTracking, StopJamming or AbortFiringAt. And in many cases canceling tasks typically involves canceling ALL the tasks associated with a particular track (i.e., CancelTask(<trackId>, “”)). However, there exists one mistake made by users: 1) When AssignTask is made to a specific processor, the TaskComplete method and a directed CancelTask request must include the same name. 2) When AssignTask is self-assigned to the same processor (i.e., made by AssignTask(track, tasktype)), TaskComplete(track, tasktype) and CancelTask(trackid, tasktype, resourcename) must be used.

Processor Task Methods

bool AssignTask(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType)
bool AssignTask(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, string aProcessorName)
bool AssignTask(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, WsfPlatform aAssignee)
bool AssignTask(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, WsfPlatform aAssignee, string aCommDeviceName)
bool AssignTask(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, string aProcessorName, WsfPlatform aAssignee)
bool AssignTask(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, string aProcessorName, WsfPlatform aAssignee, string aCommDeviceName)

Make a task assignment associated with the indicated track. For those methods that do not have an Assignee argument, the task is made to the assigning platform (i.e., the task is self-assigned). Returns ‘true’ if the task assignment is successful.


See the section Resource Names if a form is used that included the aResourceName argument.

bool AssignTask(WsfTrack aTrack, WsfTask aTask)

Make a task assignment associated with the indicated track. The task is assigned to the assignee field in aTask. Returns ‘true’ if the task assignment is successful.

bool CancelTask(WsfTrackId aTrackId)
bool CancelTask(WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType)
bool CancelTask(WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType, string aResourceName)
bool CancelTask(WsfPlatform aAssignee, WsfTrackId aTrackId)
bool CancelTask(WsfPlatform aAssignee, WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType)
bool CancelTask(WsfPlatform aAssignee, WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType, string aResourceName)

Cancel any tasks that match all of the specified parameters. If aTrackId is a null track ID, CancelTask will match ignoring the track ID.

In addition to canceling tasks started with AssignTask, CancelTask can be used to cancel tasks initiated by FireAt, StartTracking, StartJamming and StartUplinking.


See the section Resource Types if a form is used that included the aResourceName argument.


WsfPlatform plat1 ...;

# This cancels any task assigned to platform plat1 with the task type FIRE.
CancelTask(plat1, WsfTrackId(), "FIRE");

# This cancels any task assigned with the given track ID.
bool DelayTask(double aDelayTime, WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType)

Create a delay pseudo-task associated with the indicated track.

bool TaskComplete(WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType)
bool TaskComplete(WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType, string aResourceName)
bool TaskComplete(string aStatusMessage, WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType)
bool TaskComplete(string aStatusMessage, WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType, string aResourceName)

Tell the task assigner that the task associated with the indicated track ID has been completed. The assigner can handle the completion though the on_task_complete script. The optional aStatusMessage parameter sets the WsfTask’s SubStatus for the assigner to query.


See the section Resource Names if a form is used that included the aResourceName argument.

Task Query Methods

int TasksAssigned()

Return the total number of uncompleted task assignments that have been made.

int TasksAssignedTo(WsfPlatform aAssignee)
int TasksAssignedTo(WsfPlatform aAssignee, string aTaskType)
int TasksAssignedTo(WsfPlatform aAssignee, string aTaskType, string aResourceName)
int TasksAssignedTo(WsfPlatform aAssignee, WsfTrackId aTrackId)
int TasksAssignedTo(WsfPlatform aAssignee, WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType)
int TasksAssignedTo(WsfPlatform aAssignee, WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType, string aResourceName)

Return the number of uncompleted tasks that have been made to the indicated platform.


See the section Resource Names if a form is used that included the aResourceName argument.

int TasksAssignedFor(WsfTrackId aTrackId)
int TasksAssignedFor(WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType)

Return the number of task assignments that have been made for the indicate track ID.

int TasksReceived()
int TasksReceivedFor(WsfTrackId aTrackId)
int TasksReceivedFor(WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType)

Return the total number of active task assignments that have been received.

double TimeSinceAssigned(WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTasktype, WsfPlatform aAssignee)

Return the time that has elapsed since the last task associated with the indicated track ID was assigned to the platform indicated by ‘aAssignee’. If no assignment has been made, the returned value will be less than zero.

double TimeSinceLastTaskAssigned()

Return the elapsed time since the last assignment was made. If no assignment has been made, the returned value will be less than zero.

double TimeSinceLastTaskReceived()

Return the elapsed time since the last task was received. If no task has been received, the returned value will be less than zero.

WsfPlatformList AssigneesForTask(WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType)

Return the list of platforms that are associated with the indicated track ID and task type.

WsfPlatform AssigneeForTask(WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType)

Return the platform that is associated with the indicated track ID and task type. The return value should be tested for validity (using the IsValid() method) as nobody may be assigned to the indicated task.

WsfTaskList AssignedTaskList()
WsfTaskList AssignedTaskList(WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType)

Return the list of tasks that have been assigned (made) by this task manager. The first form returns the list of all assigned tasks while the second form returns only those whose track ID and task type match the specified values. If aTrackId is null (i.e., created with WsfTrackId() ) this method will match tasks ignoring the track ID. If aTaskType = “”, this method will match tasks ignoring the task type.


This method is not as efficient as the other task query methods documented above and should be used only when those are not adequate.

WsfTaskList ReceivedTaskList()
WsfTaskList ReceivedTaskList(WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType)

Return the list of tasks that have been received by this task manager. The first form returns the list of all received tasks while the second form returns only those whose track ID and task type match the specified values. If aTrackId is null (i.e., created with WsfTrackId() ) this method will match tasks ignoring the track ID. If aTaskType = “”, this method will match tasks ignoring the task type.


This method is not as efficient as the other task query methods documented above and should be used only when those are not adequate.

Weapon Task Methods

double TimeSinceWeaponLastFiredFor(WsfTrackId aTrackId)

Return the amount of time that has elapsed since a weapon fire was last requested against the track with the indicated track ID. NOTE: a weapon may or may not have actually been fired, this time is in reference to the last fire request. If no weapon fire has been requested, the return value will be less than zero.

double TimeSinceWeaponLastTerminatedFor(WsfTrackId aTrackId)

Return the amount of time that has elapsed since a weapon last terminated against the track with the indicated track ID. If no weapon has terminated, the return value will be less than zero.

int WeaponsActiveFor(WsfTrackId aTrackId)
int WeaponsActiveFor(WsfTrackId aTrackId, WsfPlatform aAssignee)

Return the number of weapon rounds that are currently active (in the process of being fired or in-flight) against track with the indicated track ID and assignee platform (if supplied).

int RoundsFiredAt(WsfTrackId aTrackId)
int RoundsFiredAt(WsfTrackId aTrackId, WsfPlatform aAssignee)
int WeaponsFiredAt(WsfTrackId aTrackId)
int WeaponsFiredAt(WsfTrackId aTrackId, WsfPlatform aAssignee)
int WeaponsFiredFor(WsfTrackId aTrackId)
int WeaponsFiredFor(WsfTrackId aTrackId, WsfPlatform aAssignee)

Return the number of weapon rounds that have been fired against the track with the indicated ID and assignee platform (if supplied). This includes rounds that are in-flight and complete (terminated) rounds.

int SalvosFiredAt(WsfTrackId aTrackId)

Return the number of salvos fire requests that have been asked for against the track with the indicated ID. This includes salvos that are in-flight, and salvos that were requested even when no weapons were left.

bool Fire(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, WsfWeapon aWeapon, int aQuantity)
bool FireAt(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, WsfWeapon aWeapon, int aQuantity)
bool Fire(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, string aWeaponName, int aQuantity, WsfPlatform aAssignee)
bool FireAt(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, string aWeaponName, int aQuantity, WsfPlatform aAssignee)
bool Fire(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, string aWeaponName, int aQuantity, WsfPlatform aAssignee, string aCommDeviceName)
bool FireAt(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, string aWeaponName, int aQuantity, WsfPlatform aAssignee, string aCommDeviceName)

Make a firing assignment associated with the indicated track. Use the indicated weapon and “aQuantity’ rounds against the target track. Returns ‘true’ if the assignment of a firing task is successful. This not an indication that a weapon has successfully been fired. An assignment will fail if the aAssignee or aCommDeviceName cannot be found.

Note: Both Fire and FireAt perform exactly the same function. They are both here for backward compatibility.


See the section Resource Names for a discussion of weapon names and resource names.

void AbortFiringAt(WsfTrackId aTrackId)

Abort firing at the specified track. This causes the immediate destruction of any rounds that have been released and halts the launching of any rounds in a salvo that have yet to be released.

If the supplied argument is a null track (e.g., AbortFiringAt(WsfTrackId())), then the request will apply to all active firing requests.

bool HaveFiredAt(WsfTrackId aTrackId)

Returns true if the indicated track ID has been fired on before.

Tracking Task Methods

bool StartTracking(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, WsfSensor aSensor, string aSensorMode)
bool StartTracking(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, string aSensorName, string aSensorMode, WsfPlatform aAssignee)
bool StartTracking(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, string aSensorName, string aSensorMode, WsfPlatform aAssignee, string aCommDeviceName)

Make a tracking assignment associated with the indicated track. The sensor and sensor mode to use are supplied by “aSensor’ and “aSensorMode’, respectively.


See the section Resource Types for a discussion of sensor names and resource types.

bool StopTracking(WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType, string aSensorName)
bool StopTracking(WsfPlatform aAssignee, WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType, string aSensorName)

Cancel any tracking assignments given to the sensor indicated by “aSensorName’ in association with the track with the indicated track ID.


See the section Resource Names for a discussion of sensor names and resource types.

Uplinking Task Methods

bool StartUplinking(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, WsfPlatform aDestination)
bool StartUplinking(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, WsfPlatform aDestination, WsfPlatform aAssignee)

Assigns an uplink task to the local platform, or aAssignee. aDestination is the platform to receive the uplinked tracks. See WSF_TASK_PROCESSOR uplink commands. For more uplink options, use AssignTask with WsfUplinkTask.Create().

Jamming Task Methods

bool StartJamming(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, WsfWeapon aJammer)
bool StartJamming(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, WsfWeapon aJammer, string aTechniqueName)
bool StartJamming(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, WsfWeapon aJammer, double aFrequency, double aBandwidth)
bool StartJamming(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, WsfWeapon aJammer, double aFrequency, double aBandwidth, int aBeamNumber)
bool StartJamming(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, WsfWeapon aJammer, double aFrequency, double aBandwidth, int aBeamNumber, string aTechniqueName)
bool StartJamming(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, WsfWeapon aJammer, double aFrequency, double aBandwidth, string aTechniqueName)
bool StartJamming(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, string aJammerName, WsfPlatform aAssignee)
bool StartJamming(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, string aJammerName, WsfPlatform aAssignee, string aCommDeviceName)
bool StartJamming(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, string aJammerName, string aTechniqueName, WsfPlatform aAssignee)
bool StartJamming(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, string aJammerName, string aTechniqueName, WsfPlatform aAssignee, string aCommDeviceName)
bool StartJamming(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, string aJammerName, double aFrequency, double aBandwidth, WsfPlatform aAssignee)
bool StartJamming(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, string aJammerName, double aFrequency, double aBandwidth, WsfPlatform aAssignee, string aCommDeviceName)
bool StartJamming(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, string aJammerName, double aFrequency, double aBandwidth, string aTechniqueName, WsfPlatform aAssignee)
bool StartJamming(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, string aJammerName, double aFrequency, double aBandwidth, string aTechniqueName, WsfPlatform aAssignee, string aCommDeviceName)
bool StartJamming(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, string aJammerName, double aFrequency, double aBandwidth, int aBeamNumber, WsfPlatform aAssignee)
bool StartJamming(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, string aJammerName, double aFrequency, double aBandwidth, int aBeamNumber, WsfPlatform aAssignee, string aCommDeviceName)
bool StartJamming(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, string aJammerName, double aFrequency, double aBandwidth, int aBeamNumber, string aTechniqueName, WsfPlatform aAssignee)
bool StartJamming(WsfTrack aTrack, string aTaskType, string aJammerName, double aFrequency, double aBandwidth, int aBeamNumber, string aTechniqueName, WsfPlatform aAssignee, string aCommDeviceName)

Make a jamming assignment associated with the indicated track on the specified beam number and/or with technique name, if supplied. The frequency and bandwidth to use are supplied by “aFrequency’ and “aBandwidth’, respectively. If The frequency and bandwidth are omitted then the track signal data is used to supply the necessary parameters and an assignment is made for each signal in the track up to the limitations of the jammer selected.


See the section Resource Names for a discussion of jammer names and resource names.

bool StopJamming(WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType, string aJammerName)
bool StopJamming(WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType, string aJammerName, double aFrequency, double aBandwidth)
bool StopJamming(WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType, string aJammerName, double aFrequency, double aBandwidth, int aBeamNumber)
bool StopJamming(WsfPlatform aAssignee, WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType, string aJammerName)
bool StopJamming(WsfPlatform aAssignee, WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType, string aJammerName, double aFrequency, double aBandwidth)
bool StopJamming(WsfPlatform aAssignee, WsfTrackId aTrackId, string aTaskType, string aJammerName, double aFrequency, double aBandwidth, int aBeamNumber)

Cancel any jamming assignments with the indicated frequency and bandwidth on the specified beam number, if supplied, given to the jammer indicated by “aResourceName’ in association with the indicated track ID. If the frequency and bandwidth are not supplied then each jamming assignment on the specified jammer for the associated track is stopped.


See the section Resource Names for a discussion of jammer names and resource names.

Operating Level Methods

int OperatingLevelFor(string aTaskType)
int OperatingLevelFor(string aTaskType, WsfPlatform aAssignee)

Returns the current operating level for the indicated task type.

bool ChangeOperatingLevel(string aTaskType, int aOperatingLevel)
bool ChangeOperatingLevel(string aTaskType, int aOperatingLevel, WsfPlatform aAssignee)
bool ChangeOperatingLevel(string aTaskType, int aOperatingLevel, WsfPlatform aAssignee, string aCommDeviceName)

Change the operating level of the current processor for the specified task type to the specified value.